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TCM1000211 - Appeals: How to refer or progress chase a case with the International team

Step 1

If you are dealing with a new settlement case, go to Step 2.

If you are dealing with an appeal where the customer has agreed to settle, go to Step 8.

If you are dealing with an appeal where the customer has not agreed to settle, go to Step 10.

If you are dealing with an expired bf date, go to Step 7.

Step 2

Email details of the appeal to the (This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000) in the following way:

  • in the email ‘subject’ field, enter Appeals
  • in the body of the email enter:
    • the customer’s NINO - for example, ‘Customer’s NINO - AB123456C’
    • the customer’s name - for example ‘Customer’s name - Stephen Jones’
    • the customer’s nationality - for example ‘Customer’s nationality - Polish’
    • the back ground of the case and the customer’s points of appeal along with details of any enquiries, investigations or actions you have taken.
  • then, go to Step 3.

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Step 3

Send the email to the international team (This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000)  

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Step 4

If you have emailed for technical advice or an update on a claim, go to Step 7.

If you are referring the case to Washington for them to action, follow the points below:

  • copy all relevant documentation including the appeals letter and prepare a memo to send to the contact point established at Step 2. Make sure the memo includes
    • the customer’s NINO - for example, ‘Customer’s NINO - AB123456C’
    • the customer’s name - for example ‘Customer’s name - Stephen Jones’
    • the customer’s nationality - for example ‘Customer’s nationality - Polish’
    • the background of the case and the customer’s points of appeal along with details of any enquiries, investigations or actions you have taken.
    • if you require Washington to take any corrective action enter the details of any action you want taken on the claim including corrective and legal re-finalisation action, send to:
      (This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000)
      Waterview Park
      Mandarin Way
      Tyne and Wear
      NE38 8QG
      Note: When sending customer, staff or process data to another individual or team, make sure you follow the latest data security guidelines or contact the Data Guardian / Data Security Team for advice.
  • go to Step 5.

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Step 5

Using the ‘CSSG blank letterhead’:

  • inform the customer of the action you have taken and the latest position with their appeal
  • inform the customer Washington may contact them for further information
  • inform the customer it may take at least six weeks to consider their appeal
  • BF the case for three weeks
  • then go to Step 6.

Note: It can take up to six months if Washington need to issue E-forms. If you are aware Washington will need to take this action, make sure you inform the customer their appeal could possibly take six months. In these circumstances bf the case for 12 weeks.

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Step 6

Access the International claims log held in the (This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000) CAF 

  • in Column B, enter the customer’s NINO
  • in column C, enter the customer’s surname followed by their initial. For example - Mr J Smith will be entered as ‘Smith J’
  • in column D, enter the date the claim was referred to the international team. For example - 9 September 2011 will be entered as ‘09/09/2011’
  • in column E, enter your full name
  • in column F, enter a brief reason for the appeal
  • take no further action.

Note: Washington will update columns G, H and I with details of who the case has been allocated to and any action they take.

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Step 7

Access the International claims log held in the (This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000) CAF to check progress of the claim

  • column ‘G’ will show details of which caseworker is responsible for the claim
  • column ‘H’ will show the date the claim was allocated to the caseworker
  • column ‘I’ will show any action the caseworker has taken and the latest potion with the case.

Note: If you require further information you can contact the caseworker directly by phone or email to obtain an update on the claim.

If Washington has still not completed their enquiries or actions

  • bf for a further three weeks
  • take no further action.

If Washington has completed their enquiries, follow the guidance in TCM0014160.

Note: Until you have contacted the customer and obtained agreement to settle the appeal you must inform Washington not to make any changes to the award. 

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Step 8

Email the Appeals inbox (This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000) in Washington and ask them to make the necessary changes to the award

  • make sure the email contains the following information:
    • the customer’s NINO - for example, ‘Customer’s NINO - AB123456C’
    • the customer’s name - for example ‘Customer’s name - Stephen Jones’
    • the customer’s nationality - for example ‘Customer’s nationality - Polish’
    • the back ground of the case and the customer’s points of appeal along with details of any enquiries, investigations or actions you have taken
    • any corrective or re-finalisation action you want the International team to take on the claim
    • request Washington to return all relevant case papers to you once they have completed their action
    • delete any copies of the email from your ‘sent items’ and ‘deleted items’ folder
  • bf the case for two weeks
  • then go to Step 9.

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Step 9

Check the award notice has been issued

If all necessary updated and actions have been completed, follow the guidance in TCM0014160.

If all the necessary updates and actions have not been completed, go to Step 8.

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Step 10

Contact the Appeals inbox (This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000) in Washington and ask them to

  • return all documents and papers to you
  • bf for two weeks to await the return of the papers
  • once case papers have been returned, follow the guidance in TCM0014160 
  • take no further action.