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TCM1000218 - How to check the effective date of a claim

Step 1

If you are dealing with a pre-award high severity verification failure, go to Step 4.

If you are dealing with any other pre-award claim, go to Step 2.

Note: The effective date of a post award claim will be the same as the payment start date. For how to do this, use TCM1000406.

Step 2

On the ‘Function Menu’

  • select ‘Application’ on the toolbar
  • select ‘View’ from the options available. You will be taken to the ‘Key Entry Data - Applicant’ screen
  • enter the customer’s NINO
  • select the ‘Latest’ checkbox
  • select ‘OK’.

If you are taken to the ‘Select Application’ screen

  • select the relevant claim
  • select ‘OK’. You will be taken to the ‘Application Summary’ screen
  • go to Step 3.

If you are taken to the ‘Select Application Version’ screen

  • select the relevant claim
  • select ‘OK’. You will be taken to the ‘Application Summary’ screen
  • go to Step 3.

If you are taken straight to the ‘Application Summary’ screen, go to Step 3.

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Step 3

On the ‘Application Summary’ screen, the effective date of the claim will be shown in the ‘Application - Effective Date’ field.

Note: If the ‘Effective Date’ is the same as the ‘Received Date’ and the claim is awarded, the tax credits computer may auto backdate the claim when it is processed through to award. This will result in a change to the true effective date of the claim, although it will remain unchanged when viewing this screen. For more information about when the tax credits computer will backdate a claim, refer to TCM0022000.

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Step 4

If you are already in function ‘Manage Verification Failures’, go to Step 5.

If you are not already in function ‘Manage Verification Failures’

  • on the ‘Function Menu’
  • select ‘Application’ on the toolbar
  • select ‘Verification Failures’ from the options available. You will be taken to the ‘Key Entry Data - Applicant’ screen
  • enter the customer’s NINO
  • select ‘OK’. you will be taken to the ‘Manage Verification Failures’ screen
  • go to Step 5.

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Step 5

On the ‘Manage Verification Failures’ screen, the details of the verification failures on the claim will be shown

  • note the ‘Effective Date’ of the verification failures
  • the effective date of the claim will be the ‘Effective Date’ of the verification failure
  • if there is more than one verification failure use the earliest ‘Effective Date’ shown.