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TCM1000229 - How to check for CY entitlement

Version 1.0

Changes to previous version - new guidance

Step 1

On the ‘Function Menu’

  • select ‘Application’ on the toolbar
  • select ‘View’ from the options available. You’ll be taken to the ‘Key Entry Data - Applicant’ screen
  • enter the customer’s NINO
  • select the relevant checkbox
  • select ‘OK’.

If you are taken to the ‘Select Application’ screen

  • select the relevant claim
  • select ‘OK’ You’ll be taken to the ‘Application Summary’ screen
  • go to Step 2.

If you are taken to the ‘Select Application Version’ screen

  • select the latest version
  • select ‘OK’ You’ll be taken to the ‘Application Summary’ screen
  • go to Step 2.

If you are taken straight to the ‘Application Summary’ screen, go to Step 2.

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Step 2

On the ‘Application Summary’ screen.

If a household breakdown message displays

  • make a note of the date of the household breakdown
  • where the household breakdown is 06/04/20XX (CY) or later there will be some CY entitlement.

If a 05/04/20XX message displays, the customer has not returned their Annual Declaration and therefore there is no CY entitlement.

If no message displays, go to Step 3.

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Step 3

On the ‘Application Summary’ screen, check the ‘Status’ field.

If the status is ‘Award Issued’, the customer has CY entitlement.

If the status is ‘Awaiting Award’, the customer’s CY entitlement has not yet been established.

If the status is ‘Rejected’, the customer has no CY entitlement.

If the status is ‘Withdrawn’, the customer has no CY entitlement.

Note: a ‘Finalised Award’ or ‘Ceased’ claim means that the customer may have CY entitlement depending on the date that the claim ceased.