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TCM1000262 - How to use SEES to calculate a customer’s age at the effective date of claim

Version 1.0

Changes to previous version - new guidance.

Step 1

Access Microsoft Excel

  • select ‘SEES’ on the toolbar
  • select ‘Other calculators + forms + NPPS’ from the options available
  • select ‘Dates Calculator’ from the options available
  • select ‘Age’ on the toolbar
  • enter the date of birth in the ‘Enter the birthday’ field
  • enter the date of claim in the ‘Enter the date for which age calculation required’ field
  • the age is shown in the ‘Age at …./…./….’ field.

Note: Entries must be in the order - date-month-year.

Note: Entries for date, month and year must be separated by either ‘-‘ or ‘/’ - for example, 25/08/1985 or 25-08-1985.

Note: For the year, enter either the full year including century or just the decade and the year - for example, 25/08/1985 or 25/08/85.

Note: If the ‘Age at …/…./…’ field doesn’t display, then re-enter all the dates making sure the entries have been correctly entered.