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TCM1000302 - How to check the dates for which a child or young person is included in a post award claim

Version 1.0

Changes to previous version - new guidance

Step 1

On the ‘Function Menu’

  • select ‘Application’ on the toolbar
  • select ‘Change of Circumstances’ from the options available. You will be taken to the ‘Key Entry Data’ screen
  • enter the customer’s NINO
  • select ‘OK’. You will be taken to the ‘Applicant Details’ screen

Note: If the ‘Signals’ box displays select ‘OK’ or ‘Cancel’ to clear.

  • select ‘Ch’ on the toolbar, you will be taken to ‘Child Details’ screen
  • click on the relevant child or young person to highlight them.

If there is a responsibility end date shown and it is earlier than the relevant dates, treat the child or young person or young person as not included in the award.

If there is a responsibility end date shown and it is later than the relevant dates, go to Step 2.

If there isn’t a responsibility end date shown, go to Step 2.

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Step 2

Check responsibility dates

  • select the name of the relevant child or young person
  • select ‘Correction’, you will be taken to the ‘Correction Child’ screen
  • select the ‘Responsibility History’ check box to tick it
  • select ‘History’, if you receive the warning message ‘Are you sure date of responsibility is not required?’
  • select ‘Yes’.

If you are taken directly to the History screen without a warning message

  • make a note of the dates shown in the ‘Include From Date’ and ‘End Date’ fields

Note: If more than one set of dates are shown make a note of all the dates displayed.

  • select ‘Cancel’, you will be returned to the ‘Correction Child’ screen
  • go to Step 3.

If you receive the warning message ‘Child is over 16. You must enter an Education or Connexions start date’ or ‘Child is over 19 you must enter an education start date’

  • select ‘OK’, you will be taken to the ‘History’ screen
  • make a note of the dates shown in the ‘Include From Date’ and ‘End Date’ fields

Note: If more than one set of dates are shown make a note of all the dates displayed.

  • select ‘Cancel’, you will be returned to the ‘Correction Child’ screen
  • go to Step 5.

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Step 3

If the child is under 16 or the young person is 16 and the relevant date you are checking is prior to 1 September following their 16th birthday, go to Step 4.

If the young person is older than 16 or they are 16 and the relevant date you are checking is after 1 September following their 16th birthday, go to Step 5.

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Step 4

The child or young person will have been included in the award from the responsibility include from date or the effective date of the claim whichever is the most recent.

If there is an end date present, the child or young person will have stopped being included in the award from the end date shown.

If there is more than one period of responsibility

  • the child or young person will have been included in the award previously from the ‘Include From’ date or the effective date of the claim, whichever is the most recent


  • the child or young person will have stopped being included in the award previously from the ‘End Date’.

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Step 5

Check if the ‘FTE History’ check box is enabled.

Note: The box is enabled when it is shown in white and not greyed out.

If the box isn’t enabled, go to Step 7.

If the box is enabled

  • select the ‘FTE History’ checkbox
  • select ‘History’
  • go to Step 6.

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Step 6

Note: The message ‘Are you sure date of responsibility is not required?’ may display. If so, select ‘Yes’.

If you receive either of the warning messages ‘Child is over 16. You must enter an Education or Connexions start date’ or ‘Child is over 19 you must enter an education start date’

  • select ‘OK’, you will be taken to the ‘History’ screen
  • make a note of the dates shown in the ‘Include From Date’ and ‘End Date’ fields

Note: If more than one set of dates are shown make a note of all the dates displayed.

  • select ‘Cancel’, you will be returned to the ‘Correction Child’ screen
  • go to Step 7.

If you are taken directly to the ‘History’ screen without receiving a warning message

  • make a note of the dates shown in the ‘Include From Date’ and ‘End Date’ fields

Note: If more than one set of dates are shown make a note of all the dates displayed.

  • select ‘Cancel’, you will be returned to the ‘Correction Child’ screen
  • go to Step 7.

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Step 7

Check if the ‘Connexions History’ check box is enabled.

Note: The box is enabled when it is shown in white and not greyed out.

If the box isn’t enabled, go to Step 9.

If the box is enabled

  • select the ‘Connexions History’ check box
  • select ‘History’
  • go to Step 8.

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Step 8

Note: The message ‘Are you sure date of responsibility is not required?’ may display. If so, select ‘Yes’.

If you receive either of the warning messages ‘Child is over 16. You must enter an Education or Connexions start date’ or ‘Child is over 19 you must enter an education start date’

  • select ‘OK’, you will be taken to the ‘History’ screen
  • make a note of the dates shown in the ‘Include From Date’ and ‘End Date’ fields

Note: If more than one set of dates are shown make a note of all the dates displayed.

  • select ‘Cancel’, you will be returned to the ‘Correction Child’ screen
  • go to Step 9.

If you are taken directly to the ‘History’ screen without receiving a warning message

  • make a note of the dates shown in the ‘Include From Date’ and ‘End Date’ fields

Note: If more than one set of dates are shown make a note of all the dates displayed.

  • select ‘Cancel’, you will be returned to the ‘Correction Child’ screen
  • go to Step 9.

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Step 9

In order for the young person to be included in the award there must be FTE or Connexions dates present otherwise they will cease to be included in an award from 1 September following their 16th birthday.

If either the FTE or Connexions include from date is after 1 September following the young person’s 16th birthday, there will be a gap during which time the young person will not have been included in the award

For example: If the young person was 16 on 25/03/2009 and there is an FTE include from date of 10/11/2009 the young person will not have been included in the award from 01/09/2009 to 09/11/2009.

If there are end dates for FTE or Connexions followed by further include from dates and these dates are not consecutive, the young person will not be included in the award for any dates between the end date of one and the subsequent include from date of the other.

If for any period there is a gap in the Responsibility period where a responsibility end date has been entered and then at a later date another responsibility include from date has been entered

  • the young person will not be included in the award for this period
  • this will apply even if this period is covered by dates entered in the FTE or Connexions include from field.

For example: If there is an FTE include from date of 01/09/2009 and no end date present but there is a Responsibility end date of 12/10/2009 and then a subsequent Responsibility include from date of 11/01/2010, the young person will not have been included in the award from 13/10/2009 to 10/01/2010.

If there is a Responsibility end date present and no subsequent Responsibility include from date, the young person will have stopped being included in the award from the Responsibility end date irrespective of any FTE or Connexions dates present.