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TCM1000334 - How to determine which e-forms to issue for an initial enquiry to a EU Member State

Version 1.0

Changes to previous version - new guidance.

Step 1

If the customer lives in Poland, go to Step 2.

If the customer doesn’t live in Poland, go to Step 3.

Step 2

The E400 series form you will send is ‘UK-PL’ - Request or notification of information between UK and Polish authorities for the purpose of granting Family Benefits

Note: This form is used in any communication between Polish and UK family benefit authorities and can be used to request or notify any information related to family benefits that would ordinarily be submitted on another type of e-form.

  • you don’t need to send any additional e-forms.

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Step 3

These forms must be issued

  • E401 - Certificate concerning the composition of a family for the purpose of granting Family Benefits

Note: This form is used as documentary evidence for the following

* the number of family members
* the names, addresses and age of each family member
* the relationship between the customer and the family members.
  • E411 - Request for information on entitlement to Family Benefits in the Member States of residence of the members of the family

Note: This form is used in cases where there may be entitlement to family benefits from more than one member state.


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Step 4

If the granting of UK family benefits is dependent on a young person attending full-time non-advanced education

  • an ‘E402 - Certificate of continuation of studies for the purpose of granting Family Benefits’ must be sent to the educational establishment the young person attends in the EU Member State

Note: When someone is claiming Belgian or Czech family benefits, an additional part of form E402 - the E402 Annex - must to be enclosed as well.

If the granting of UK family benefits isn’t dependant on a young person attending full-time non-advanced education, go to Step 5.

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Step 5

If there is a young person undertaking an apprenticeship or vocational qualification in an EU Member State

  • an ‘E403 - Certificate of apprenticeship and/or vocational training for the purpose of granting Family Benefits’ must be sent to the relevant establishment responsible for the training or qualification

Note: When someone is attending vocational training in France, an additional part of the Form E403, the E403 Annex must be enclosed as well.

  • you don’t need to send any additional e-forms.

If there isn’t a young person undertaking an apprenticeship or vocational qualification in an EU Member State, you don’t need to send any additional e-forms.