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TCM1000338 - How to register a dispute

Version 1.0

Changes to previous version - new guidance

Note: If the customer hasn’t specified which year they’re disputing or if the specified year hasn’t an overpayment, attempt to suspend all outstanding overpayments on all years.

Note: When you register a dispute, the ‘Suspend Recovery’ checkbox will complete automatically on direct recovery cases only. You must manually tick the ‘Suspend Recovery checkbox for in-year and cross-year recovery cases.

Step 1

On the ‘Function’ menu

  • select ‘Household’ from the toolbar
  • select ‘View Overpayment’. You will be taken to the ‘Key Entry Data’ screen
  • enter the customer’s NINO
  • select the ‘all’ checkbox
  • select ‘OK’

If you are taken to the select award screen

  • select the relevant award
  • select ‘OK’. You will be taken to the ‘View Overpayment’ screen
  • go to Step 2 

If you are taken straight to the View overpayment screen, go to Step 2 

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Step 2

On the ‘View Overpayment’ screen

  • select ‘Maintain Dispute’. You’ll be taken to the Maintain Dispute screen.

Note: You can’t register a dispute if a ‘Manual Suspension’ marker is set.

If a reason is shown in the Resolution Reason field

  • select ‘New’
  • select the ‘Dispute’ radio button to register the dispute
  • using the correspondence, enter the date the dispute was received in the Date Received field
  • select the relevant dispute category from the Dispute Category drop down menu.

Note: If the overpayment is in cross-year or in-year recovery and the customer has specifically requested recovery of their overpayment to continue whilst under dispute, don’t select the ‘Suspend Recovery’ checkbox.

Note: If you need to suspend more than one year, return to the start of this step.

If there isn’t a reason shown in the Resolution Reason field

  • select ‘Dispute’ to register the dispute
  • using the correspondence, enter the date the dispute was received in the Date Received field
  • select the relevant dispute category from the Dispute Category drop down menu.

Note: If the overpayment is in cross-year or in-year recovery and the customer has specifically requested they want recovery of their overpayment to continue whilst it’s under dispute, don’t tick the ‘Suspend Recovery’ checkbox.

Note: If you need to suspend more than one year, return to the start of this step.