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TCM1000343 - How to obtain Personal Independence Payment notifications from Access to DWP Data Standard Enquiry Facility

Step 1

  • access ADD SEF
  • select ‘View Notifications List’ at the top left of the screen
  • on the ‘Notification Type’ select ‘Change of DLA/AA/PIP Benefit Data’ from the drop down list
  • in the ‘Date’ field, insert the date you want to obtain the information for

Note: This will usually be yesterday’s date.

  • (This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000)
  • click on the ‘Search’ button. This will show any matching records

Note: If no records match for the date entered, this means there have been no notifications on that date, take no further action.

  • click on ‘Printer friendly version’

Note: Do not amend any records here.

  • select ‘File menu’
  • select ‘Save as’
  • select ‘Desktop’ on the left hand side of the screen
  • on the ‘Save as type’ drop down menu, select ‘XML Files (*.xml)’
  • change the ending of the file name to ‘.xml’
  • press ‘Save’. The xml file will now be saved to your desktop

Note: If you receive a warning message asking if you wish to overwrite the existing file, select ‘Yes’. Each file you extract from ADD SEF will have the same name and will overwrite any file of that name that may already be on your desktop.

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Step 2

If you want to import the notifications to the PIP Notifications Database, follow the guidance in TCM1000345.

If you do not want to import the notifications to the PIP Notifications Database, take no further action.