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TCM1000344 - How to use the Personal Independence Payment Notifications Database Caseworker functions

Note: The PIP Notifications Database ‘Caseworker’ functions enable users to check their on hand and expired BF cases, obtain details of the PIP component type and rate, and record the action they have taken on the tax credits computer.

Step 1

If you want to check your on hand or expired BF work items, go to Step 2.

If you want to obtain details of the PIP component type and rate, go to Step 3.

If you are updating the PIP Notifications Database to record the action you have taken, go to Step 4.

Step 2

If you want to check your on hand cases

Note: The ‘PIP Live List’ includes all expired BF cases so there will be no need to also check the ‘BF Due List’ for expired BF cases if you have checked this.

  • access the PIP Notifications Database
  • select ‘Reports’ button from the PIP Notifications Database main menu
  • select your name from the ‘Caseworker’ drop down list
  • select ‘Live List (Export to XL)’, this will save the list as an Excel file on the caseworker’s desktop called ‘PIP BF Due List’
  • select ‘Menu’ to return to the PIP Notifications Database menu
  • select ‘Open’ to open the ‘PIP Live List’ on your desktop for a list of all the cases on hand, including the expired BF cases
  • either

    • print off the list of cases


    • ‘copy’ each National Insurance Number (NINO) to paste when you are working each case
  • take no further action.

If you want to check your expired BF cases

Note: The ‘PIP Live List’ includes all expired BF cases so there will be no need to also check the ‘BF Due List’ for expired BF cases if you have checked this.

  • access the PIP Notifications Database
  • select ‘Reports’ from the PIP Notifications Database main menu
  • select your name from the ‘Caseworker’ drop down list

Note: Do not select the individual caseworker name if you wish to check all expired BF work.

  • select ‘BF Due List (Export to XL)’, this will display a list of all expired BF cases allocated to you
  • select ‘Menu’ to return to the PIP Notifications Database menu
  • select ‘Open’ on the ‘PIP BF Due List’ on your desktop for a list of all the expired BF cases
  • either

    • print off the list of cases


    • ‘copy’ each NINO to paste when you are working each case.

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Step 3

  • access the PIP Notifications Database
  • select ‘Search’ button from the PIP Notifications Database main menu
  • insert the NINO of the case you want to work
  • select ‘Search’
  • double click on the ‘Search Result’. The ‘DWP’ details will show separate lines for each PIP component type, that is, one line for Daily Living Component and one line for mobility
  • double click on each PIP component type. The rate type for that component, that is ‘Standard rate’, ‘NIL entitlement’ or ‘Enhanced rate’, will be shown in the box below
  • make a note of each component rate for each component type
  • follow the guidance in TCM0042200 before returning to this guidance
  • go to Step 4.

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Step 4

If you have completed all action on the case

  • access the PIP Notifications Database
  • select ‘Search’ from the PIP Notifications Database main menu
  • insert the NINO of the case you are working on
  • select ‘Search’
  • select ‘Clear’
  • select ‘Close’
  • select ‘Menu’
  • select either

    • ‘Exit’ if you want to exit the PIP Notifications Database


    • ‘Search’ if you want to look at another case.

If you need to take further action and are placing the case into BF

  • access the PIP Notifications Database
  • select ‘Search’ from the PIP Notifications Database main menu
  • insert the NINO of the case you are working on
  • select the ‘Search’ button
  • insert the 30 day BF date in the ‘BF date’ field
  • insert the reason for the BF in the ‘BF Reason’ field, for example ‘TC664 sent’ or ‘TC818A sent’
  • select ‘Close’
  • select ‘Menu’

Note: Do not select ‘Clear’ as this will remove the BF information.

  • select either

    • ‘Exit’ if you want to exit the PIP Notifications Database


    • ‘Search’ if you want to look at another case.