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TCM1000345 - How to use the Personal Independence Payment Notifications Database Admin functions

Note: The PIP Notifications Database ‘Admin’ functions enable users to check who is registered to use the PIP Notifications Database, register a new user or remove an existing user, move cases between caseworkers, delete cleared records, check the total on hand or expired BF cases, and import PIP notifications from Access to DWP Data Standard Enquiry Facility (ADD SEF).

Step 1

If you want to check who is registered on the PIP Notifications database, go toStep 2.

If you want to register a new user, go to Step 3.

If you want to amend an existing user’s permission levels, go to Step 4.

If you want to add a leaving date for someone who is no longer on the team or no longer doing this type of work, go to Step 5

If you are deleting cleared records from the PIP Notifications Database, go to Step 6.

If you are moving cases to a different caseworker, go to Step 7.

If you want to check total on hand and expired BF cases for the team, go to Step 8.

If you want to import the PIP notifications from ADD SEF to the PIP Notifications Database, go to Step 9.

If you want to allocate PIP notifications to caseworkers, go to Step 9.

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Step 2

  • access the PIP Notifications Database
  • select ‘Admin’ button from the PIP Notifications Database main menu
  • select ‘Staff List to XL’ to output a list of all Staff registered on the database to an Excel file on the user’s desktop
  • select ‘Menu’
  • select ‘Exit’ to close the PIP Notifications Database
  • take no further action.

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Step 3

  • access the PIP Notifications Database
  • select ‘Admin’ button from the PIP Notifications Database main menu
  • enter the Personal Identity (PI) number of the existing or new user
  • select ‘Search’ button. If the user’s details are found, their details will be displayed in the ‘First Name’ and ‘Surname’ fields of the ‘Search Results’. If their details are not found, input their PI number, first name and surname into the boxes
  • select the appropriate ‘Role’ you wish the user to have. This will either be ‘Caseworker’ or ‘Admin’
  • select ‘Menu’
  • select ‘Exit’ to close the PIP Notifications Database
  • take no further action.

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Step 4

  • access the PIP Notifications Database
  • select ‘Admin’ button from the PIP Notifications Database main menu
  • enter the PI number of the user whose permission levels you want to change
  • select ‘Search’ button. If their details are found, their details will be displayed in the ‘First Name’ and ‘Surname’ fields of the ‘Search Results’. If their details are not found, the Search Results boxes will be blank for your input
  • select ‘Staff List to XL’, to output a list of all users registered on the database to an Excel file on the user’s desktop
  • using the ‘Role’ function, select the role you wish the user to have. This will either be ‘Caseworker’ or ‘Admin’
  • select ‘Menu’
  • select ‘Exit’ to close the PIP Notifications Database
  • take no further action.

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Step 5

  • access the PIP Notifications Database
  • select ‘Admin’ button from the PIP Notifications Database main menu
  • enter the PI number of the user whose details you want to amend
  • select ‘Search’ button. If their details are found, their details will be displayed in the ‘First Name’ and ‘Surname’ fields of the ‘Search Results’. If their details are not found, the Search Results boxes will be blank for your input
  • select ‘Date Left’ and add the date when the user left the team or stopped this type of work

Note: Once a leaving date has been added, the user will no longer be able to access the PIP Notifications Database.

Note: Users cannot be deleted as they will be linked to records in the PIP Notifications Database.

  • select ‘Menu’
  • select ‘Exit’ to close the PIP Notifications Database
  • take no further action.

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Step 6

  • access the PIP Notifications Database
  • select ‘Weed function’ from the PIP Notifications Database main menu
  • select ‘Weed Database’ button to delete the records

Note: The weed function will delete all cases showing a date in the ‘Cleared Date’ box which are 30 days or more from the date you are accessing the function.

  • select ‘Menu’
  • select ‘Exit’ to close the PIP Notifications Database
  • take no further action.

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Step 7

  • access the PIP Notifications Database
  • select ‘Reports’ from the PIP Notifications Database main menu
  • select the caseworker you want to move the cases from on the drop down list
  • select ‘Live list (Export to XL)’. This will export all the cases allocated to that caseworker to your desktop
  • access the list of cases from your desktop
  • either print off the list of cases or copy each NINO from the list that you want to move
  • select ‘Menu’
  • select ‘Reports’
  • enter the NINO of the case you want to move
  • select ‘Search’
  • double click on the case
  • select ‘Update caseworker’ button, this will change the name of the caseworker
  • select ‘Menu’
  • select ‘Exit’ to close the PIP Notifications Database
  • take no further action.

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Step 8

If you want to check the total on hand cases

Note: The ‘PIP Live List’ includes all expired BF cases so there will be no need to also check the ‘BF Due List’ for expired BF cases if you have checked this.

  • access the PIP Notifications Database
  • select ‘Reports’ button from the PIP Notifications Database main menu
  • in the ‘Enter Reporting Period’ ‘From’ and ‘To’ boxes enter the date range of the period you want to look at
  • select ‘MIS Report’ (Export to XL), this will show a list of all live work allocated to each caseworker for the period you have selected
  • select ‘Menu’ to return to the PIP Notifications Database main menu
  • select ‘Open’ to open the MIS Report on your desktop for a list of all the cases on hand
  • print off the list of cases
  • either

    • go back to Step 1 if you wish to continue using the PIP Notifications Database


    • take no further action.

If you want to check the total expired BF cases

Note: The ‘PIP Live List’ includes all expired BF cases so there will be no need to also check the ‘BF Due List’ for expired BF cases if you have checked this.

  • access the PIP Notifications Database
  • select ‘Reports’ from the PIP Notifications Database main menu
  • select ‘BF Due List (Export to XL)’, this will display a list of all expired BF cases
  • select ‘Menu’ to return to the PIP Notifications Database menu
  • select ‘Open’ on the ‘PIP BF Due List’ on your desktop for a list of all the expired BF cases
  • print off the list of cases
  • either

    • go back to Step 1 if you wish to continue using the PIP Notifications Database


    • take no further action.

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Step 9

  • access the PIP Notifications Database
  • select the ‘Import’ button from the PIP Notifications Database menu. This will import the notifications to the PIP Notifications Database. You will be taken to an ‘Allocations’ screen. This will display how many notifications are available and how many are still to be allocated (remaining). The ‘Remaining’ box will be amber until all the available notifications are allocated, when it will turn green
  • enter the number of notifications you wish to allocate to individual staff members in the ‘Allocation’ box to the right of their name

Note: Each time you allocate notifications, the ‘Remaining’ box at the top of this screen will recalculate the number of notifications still to allocate.

Note: The notifications allocated will only save to the PIP Notifications Database when all available notifications have been allocated.

Note: When you have allocated all the notifications, the top right box will turn green, and the ‘Continue the import with the above allocations’ button at the bottom of the screen will be enabled. Until then, the top right box will be amber and the ‘Continue the import with the above allocations’ button will be disabled.

Note: Once the import has completed, an Excel file listing all the notifications just imported will be created on the users desktop for their action. The previous ADD / SEF xml export file will be deleted from the user’s desktop.

  • select ‘Exit’ to close the PIP Notifications Database
  • take no further action.