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TCM1000349 - How to send a case to storage using Accutrac

Step 1

Log in with the username and password you have been provided with.

Note: You will need to email Estates with your name, email address and telephone number along with your line of business to add users to Accutrac. You will then receive log in details, the link to Accutrac and word document guidance.

Step 2

Once you have accessed Accutrac you will first see the ‘Item Browse’ screen. To create a new file record, you need to select ‘Add’.

in the pop up screen complete the following boxes

  • File description 1 – Barcode supplied by Iron Mountain.
  • File description 2 – National Insurance Number of the first file in the box
  • File description 3 – your work area
  • From and to date fields will be the tax year from which the files belong. For example 06-04-14 to 05-04-15.

go to Step 3

Step 3

The retention period needs to be applied to the record. This is carried out through the ‘Retention’ tab.

  • select a Retention Code, by selecting the button with the ellipses
  • you will be presented with a list of retention codes. Highlight the code for 5 year retention period and select the ‘Select’ icon

Note: If case papers have been held locally for 12 months you should highlight the code for the 4 year period.

  • you will be required to provide a date (Cutoff Start Date) for when the calculation should start. This will be 5 years from the end of the current tax year.

Note: Iron Mountain will never destroy any records without first contacting us. They will contact us at the end of the retention period to ask what action to take.

Step 4

Line of Business must be assigned to a record

  • this is done via the ‘Dept’ tab and by selecting the ‘Select’ button
  • you will be presented with a Division/ Dept Lookup. You need to select from a department list, by changing the lookup option to Department
  • you will need to select the ‘next page’ button
  • highlight ’38 B&C TCO’ and select the ‘Select’ button
  • go to Step 5

Step 5

You also have the ability to add further information in the Notes tab.

  • this box will be used to list the National Insurance Numbers of the cases which are held in this box. Please be aware that this must be 100% accurate as this is the only way we will have of finding our cases
  • list National Insurance Number and tax year for each case. For example, AB123456C 13/14
  • there is no limit to the text you can add in notes , but be aware that only the first 2,500 characters are searchable, as part of the search function on the Item Browse screen.
  • by selecting the ‘OK’ icon, you will add the record to the application.

Note: The search engine will then pick up each cases with that National Insurance Number and you will be able to identify which tax year you need.  You will then recall that full box.

Step 6

To review what you have added you should select the appropriate tab.

Step 7

When you have completed the list of National Insurance Numbers in the box, seal the box, put the barcode on the end of the box and attach a TNT bag to the top with the address

Iron Mountain
Whitehart Triangle
9 Whitehart Avenue
SE28 0GU

  • you will then need to attach another TNT bag to the bottom of the box with your details to ensure that it is clear who has sent the parcel.