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TCM1000350 - How to request documents stored on Accutrac

Step 1

Login using the credentials provided. You will need to email Estates at (This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000)  with your name, email address and telephone number along with the line of business to be added to Accutrac. You will then receive log in details, the link to Accutrac and Word document guidance.

Step 2

Once you login, you should see the ‘Item Browse’ screen

  • using the ‘Search Files’ field, you will be able to carry out a global search for your records.
  • you can double click on a record to show further information
  • once you have identified the items you require, select them and then add them to your cart by selecting ‘Add to Cart’
  • a box will appear to indicate that you have added the item to your cart. select ‘OK’ to confirm
  • to view what is in your cart and to submit your request, select the ‘Cart’ tab
  • to submit your request, select the items and the ‘Submit’ tab
  • on the screen that appears when submitting your request you will need to select a delivery address, by selecting the ellipsis at the end of the ‘Code’ field
  • you will be presented with a list of addresses, please select the address you wish the item(s) to be delivered too.
  • once you select an address the address information will be populated into the order screen.
  • you are required to provide a PO Number, please enter this in the ‘PO Number’ field. If you require an email confirmation, please add this to the ‘Confirmation Email Addresses’ field. ’Special Instructions’ at an order level can be added to the order if required. You also have the option to ‘Save Selection’, this will save you having to populate the information on future request
  • go to Step 3

Step 3 {#}

Instructions can be added at an item level by selecting the ‘Instructions’ tab.

  • select ‘Edit’ and add instructions and then select ‘Update’
  • once completed and ready to submit, select the ‘OK’ button.
  • you will receive a pop up message with the Accutrac request number

Note: You can view the progress of your request in the ‘Request Log’ tab. The status indicates its progress. ‘Pending’ indicates the request is in the process of being sent to Iron Mountain. ‘Inprocess’ indicates it has been sent to Iron Mountain.

Note: At this point, you should receive an email confirmation if you provided and email address for confirmation. The attachment contains information on the items requested.

Note: The Iron Mountain order number will appear against the request.

Step 4 {#}

Once the items have been picked and confirmed for delivery, the request status will show ‘Completed’.