TCM1000365 - How to check if you’ve all the employment details
Version 1.0
Changes to previous version - new guidance
Step 1
If you are changing the main employment, go to Step 2.
If you are adding an additional job, go to Step 5.
Step 2
For any job the customer has left, you always need the
- end date
- name of the employer.
If the new main employment is employed. you also need the
- reference number (if available)
- payroll number (if available)
- name
- address
- number of hours worked in total before the change
- number of hours worked in total after the change
- go to Step 3.
If the new main employment is self-employed, you also need the
- Unique Taxpayer Reference (UTR) number (if available)
- number of hours worked in total before the change
- number of hours worked in total after the change
- go to Step 3.
Step 3
If the customer is now in receipt of benefits, go to Step 4.
If the customer isn’t in receipt of benefits, return to the guidance you were following.
Step 4
Where the customer is now in receipt of Income support (IS), income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance (JSA), income-related Employment and Support Allowance (ESA) or Pension Credit you’ll need
- the type of benefit (which one of the above)
- the start date of benefit.
Note: You must obtain confirmation from the customer that their JSA is either income-based or contributions-based or their ESA is income-related or contributions-based.
Note: The customer can only be considered as being in receipt of JSA or ESA when it is income-based or income-related.
Note: Contributions-based JSA or ESA mustn’t be recorded as JSA or ESA income on the computer as this will lead to overpayments for customers once the computer is amended.
Note: Contributions-based JSA and ESA should only be taken into account as part of Social Security Benefits income.
Note: If JSA or ESA is contributions-based you must record these details within Household Notes.
Step 5
For all jobs you are adding you always need the
- total number of hours the customer works in all their jobs before you add the new employment
- new total number of hours the customer works in all their jobs after you add the new employment
- end date of the old hours worked
- start date of the new hours worked.
If the additional employment is employed, you’ll need the new
- reference number (if available)
- payroll number (if available)
- name
- address.
If the additional employment is self-employed, you’ll need
- Unique Taxpayer Reference (UTR) number (if available).