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TCM1000387 - How to check if a manual payment has been posted to the correct award

Note: Cash cheques may have been used as a payment method prior to April 2017, however since April 2017 customers will need to be paid directly into a bank or building society account. Customers will be required to supply us with account details to enable payments to be made.

Step 1

On the ‘Function Menu’

  • select ‘Household’ on the toolbar
  • select ‘View Account’ from the options available. You’ll be taken to the ‘Key Entry Data - Applicant’ screen
  • enter the customer’s NINO
  • select the ‘All’ checkbox
  • select the ‘Postings’ checkbox
  • select ‘OK’.

If you are taken to the ‘Select Award’ screen

  • select the relevant award
  • select ‘OK’. You’ll be taken to the ‘View Award Period Postings’ screen
  • go to Step 2.

If you are taken straight to the ‘View Award Period Postings’ screen, go to Step 2.

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Step 2

On the ‘View Award Period Postings’ screen, check that the manual payments have been posted to the correct award

  • ‘MGPC’ is for manual payments for Child Tax Credit (CTC)
  • ‘MGPW’ is for manual payments for Working Tax Credit (WTC)
  • ‘MGPM’ is for multiple manual payments.