TCM1000394 - How to complete the post award subject to immigration control case calculation sheet
Version 1.0
Changes to previous version - new guidance.
Step 1
Before you start, make sure there aren’t any entries on the STIC calculation sheet.
If any of the fields are already populated
- select the ‘Clear All Data’ button on the STIC calculation sheet
- go to Step 2.
If all the fields are blank, go to Step 2.
Step 2
Enter the following on the STIC calculation sheet
- customer 1’s name and NINO
- customer 2’s name and NINO
- for A, the relevant period for which the second adult element is to be removed
Note: As the earliest effective date of the change is 06/04/2010, the ‘from date’ for the relevant period cannot be prior to this.
- for B, the full WTC award amount including the second adult element payable in the relevant period (£)
- for C, total WTC system and manual payments issued prior to the payment suspension being set (£)
Note: If the tax credits computer shows an amount recovered in the ‘View Award Period Summary’ screen, add this onto the amount issued at C.
- for D, the total WTC entitlement excluding the second adult element payable in the relevant period calculated using the SEES Tax Credits Entitlement Calculator (£)
Note: When calculating entitlement using SEES, include any outstanding change of circumstances that haven’t yet been applied on the tax credits computer which affect the award amount.
- go to Step 3.
Step 3
Obtain the relevant information from fields E, F and G which will be automatically calculated
- E is the offset amount - which is the total WTC that has been correctly paid in the relevant period
- F is the total WTC amount that has been overpaid due to including the second adult element
Note: Follow the guidance in TCM0224280 to determine recoverability of any overpayment.
- G is the total WTC still to be paid in the remaining entitlement period.