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TCM1000405 - How to amend the Benefits History screen

Version 1.0

Changes to previous version - new guidance.

Step 1

If you aren’t already on the ‘Income’ screen, go to Step 2.

If you are already on the ‘Income’ screen, go to Step 3.

Step 2

On the ‘Function Menu’

  • select ‘Application’ on the toolbar
  • select ‘Change of Circumstances’ from the options available. You’ll be taken to the ‘Key Entry Data’ screen
  • enter the customer’s NINO
  • select the relevant checkbox
  • select ‘OK’. You’ll be taken to the ‘Applicant Details’ screen.

If you’re taken to the ‘Select Household’ screen

  • select the relevant claim
  • select ‘OK’. You’ll be taken to the ‘Applicant Details’ screen
  • go to Step 3.

If you’re taken to the ‘Select Application’ screen

  • select the relevant claim
  • select ‘OK’. You’ll be taken to the ‘Applicant Details’ screen
  • go to Step 3.

If you’re taken straight to the ‘Applicant Details’ screen

  • select ‘Inc1’ or ‘Inc2’
  • select the relevant benefit
  • go to Step 3.

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Step 3

If the customer is due the four-week run-on entitlement, go to Step 7.

If the customer isn’t due the four-week run-on entitlement, go to Step 4.

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Step 4

If the change happened within three months, go to Step 5.

If the change happened more than three months ago because the customer didn’t tell us about the change and you were notified today, go to Step 5.

If the change happened more than three months ago, the customer didn’t tell us about the change within three months and you were notified before today, go to Step 6.

If the change happened more than three months before today’s date but you’ven’t yet applied the change, go to Step 6.

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Step 5

Include From date unchanged.

Enter the IS, JSA (IB), ESA (IR) or PC start date in the appropriate field

  • enter the start date in the ‘In receipt of’ field for the appropriate benefit.

Note: Use the JSA field for either JSA or ESA.

Note: If the start date is more than three months before today’s date because the customer failed to notify you - that is, they only notified you today - a restriction will be correctly applied by the computer.

Note: The start date for ESA can’t be earlier than 27/10/2008.

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Step 6

Change the include from date.

  • check the start date of the IS, JSA (IB), ESA (IR) or PC.

To change the date in the Include From field, enter the IS, JSA (IB), ESA (IR) or PC start date in the appropriate field. To do this

  • enter the start date in the ‘In receipt of’ field for the appropriate benefit.

Note: Use the JSA field for either JSA or ESA.

Note: As the start date is more than three months before today’s date, a restriction will be incorrectly applied by the computer.

  • select ‘History’ from the toolbar menu
  • select the IS, JSA (IB) or MIG (PC) signal(s), as appropriate. The History screen for that signal will display

Note: Select the JSA signal for either JSA or ESA.

  • select the appropriate record
  • select ‘Change’. The Change screen will display
  • enter the appropriate date in the Include From field
  • select ‘OK’. You’ll be taken back to the History screen
  • select ‘OK’. You’ll be taken back to the Income screen
  • select ‘OK’. You’ll be taken to the Amend Finish screen.

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Step 7

If you were notified within three months, go to Step 8.

If you were notified more than three months before today’s date, because the customer failed to notify you and notified today, go to Step 8.

If it’s more than three months before today’s date, because the customer failed to notify you, but they had notified you before today, go to Step 9.

If it’s more than three months before today’s date, because you haven’t yet applied the change, go to Step 9.

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Step 8

Include From date unchanged.

Enter the IS, JSA (IB), ESA (IR) or PC start date as the day after the new effective date of the four-week run-on

Note: This is the 29th day after the job ended.

  • calculate the new start date of the IS, JSA (IB), ESA (IR) or PC
  • enter the new start date in the ‘In receipt of’ field for the appropriate benefit
  • select ‘OK’. You’ll be taken to the Amend Finish screen.

Note: Use the JSA field for either JSA or ESA.

Note: If the start date is more than three months before today’s date, because the customer failed to notify you, that is they only notified you today, a restriction will be correctly applied by the computer.

Note: The start date for ESA can’t be earlier than 27/10/2008.

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Step 9

Change the include from date.

Enter the IS, JSA (IB), ESA (IR) or PC start date as the day after the new effective date of the four-week run-on

Note: This is the 29th day after the job ended.

  • calculate the new start date of the IS, JSA (IB), ESA (IR) or PC

To change the date in the Include From field, enter the IS, JSA (IB), ESA (IR) or PC start date in the appropriate field. To do this

  • enter the start date in the ‘In receipt of’ field for the appropriate benefit.

Note: Use the JSA field for either JSA or ESA.

Note: As the start date is more than three months before today’s date, a restriction will be incorrectly applied by the computer.

  • select ‘History’ from the toolbar menu
  • select the IS, JSA (IB) or MIG (PC) signals, as appropriate. The History screen for that signal will display

Note: Select the JSA signal for either JSA or ESA.

  • select the appropriate record
  • select ‘Change’. The Change screen will display
  • go to Step 10.

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Step 10

Enter the appropriate date in the Include From field

If it’s more than three months before today’s date, because the customer failed to notify you, but they had notified you before today

  • change the date in the ‘Include From’ field to a date that is precisely 93 days prior to the date of notification
  • go to Step 11.

If it’s more than three months before today’s date, because you haven’t yet applied the change

  • change the date in the ‘Include From’ field to same date as the start date.
  • go to Step 11.

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Step 11

Select ‘OK’. You’ll be taken back to the History screen

  • select ‘OK’. You’ll be taken back to the Income screen
  • select ‘OK’. You’ll be taken to the Amend Finish screen.