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TCM1000408 - How to use the International Group database

Step 1

Access the International Group Database (IGDB). To do this

  • ‘double click’ with your mouse button on the ‘IG Database’ icon located on your desktop
  • select ‘International Group’. A drop down menu will display.

Note: ‘Admin’ is restricted access.

Note: You won’t be able to select a menu option if you don’t have access to it.

Note: The International Group Database shows Croatia as A1.

If you need to search A2 WAS / RTR, go to Step 2.

If you need to search A1 WAR / RTR, go to Step 2.

If you need to search for a customer’s record, go to Step 3.

If you need to check whether an E form has been issued, go to Step 4.

If an E Form has been returned, go to Step 8.

If you need to update an existing TCO record, go to Step 9.

If you need to show an E form as a General Note, go to Step 13.

If you need to complete a new TCO record, go to Step 15 

Note: All the screens have an additional facility to view extra information this can be found by selecting and clicking the blue ‘I’

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Step 2

Hover on ‘Home Office’

  • select ‘Search A2 WAS / RTR’ or ‘Search A1 WAR / RTR’
  • select the ‘Right To Reside’ tab along the top of the screen
  • complete the relevant fields
  • select ‘Search’

Note: Use the Wildcard option when searching under name or employer as the customer may have given different variations to CBO, TCO and the Home Office.

Note: Add % to the end of the Card Number or NINO to speed up the search.

Note: Always search ‘A2 WAS’ under the name as many entries do not have an HO Ref.

Note: Always search ‘A1 WAR’ under the name as many entries do not have an HO ref.

Note: Any matching record will be added to the search screen.

  • select the required match
  • select ‘View Right To Reside Record’ / ‘View A2 Record’ or ‘View A1 Record’ to view the record
  • select ‘Search’. The ‘Search’ screen will display
  • < will show the previous matching record
  • will show the next matching record

  • select ‘Print’ to print the screen.

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Step 3

Hover on ‘Accession’

  • select ‘Search’
  • complete the NINO field without the check suffix
  • select ‘Search’ and any matching records will display.

Note: When searching under NINO the TCO, PFA or EC record may display.

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Step 4

Access the ‘Search IG’ tab

  • enter the customer’s NINO
  • select ‘Search’. This will display any customer records held for that customer
  • view the records found
  • go to Step 5.

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Step 5

If a TCO or EC record is displayed, go to Step 6.

If a TCO or EC record isn’t displayed

  • select ‘Add Record’
  • enter the customer’s NINO
  • select ‘Search’.

Note: The system will search for an existing EC record, if one is found this will be displayed.

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Step 6

If an EC record is displayed

  • select the EC record
  • select ‘View Record’
  • select the ‘Child Details / E Form’ tab.

Note: The details of the first E Form issued are held on the ‘Child Details / E Form’ tab.

Note: The details of all other E Forms are held in the General Notes.

  • select ‘Edit E Form’
  • select ‘Employment / Beneficiary’ tab
  • enter the UK employer if applicable
  • select ‘save’

Note: To exit the system, select ‘Close’.

If the children aren’t shown that an E Form needs to be issued for

  • select the ‘Employment / Beneficiary’ tab
  • select ‘View All’.

Note: The last General Note entered will appear at the top of the list.

If a TCO record is displayed

  • select the TCO record
  • select ‘View Record’.

Note: The details of the first E form issued are held on the main record.

Note: The details of all other E forms are held in the General Notes.

Note: Only the last General Note will be shown on the main record.

Note: To exit the system, select ‘Close’.

If the children aren’t shown on the main record that an E form needs to be issued for

  • select ‘View All’

Note: The last General Note entered will appear at the top of the list.

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Step 7

If TCO has already issued the E Form for the child, a duplicate shouldn’t issued.

If the outcome of the enquiry isn’t recorded

  • register an interest on the TCO record
  • select the ‘Register Interest’ box
  • select ‘Save’.

Note: Once the E Form is returned and the outcome recorded by TCO the customer record will be available in a report.

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Step 8

Access the ‘New TCO Record; screen and complete the following fields

If an E Form has been returned but never recorded on the system as being sent, record all information in one entry.

If there is no reply to the E Form, update the Child details / E Form tab.

If there is a reply to the E Form

  • complete the following fields

    • ‘Date E Form returned’
    • ‘Outcome’

Note: If an E411 has been issued and we need to record rates of benefit from the EU Member State, select foreign family benefits in payments and complete the necessary ‘frequency’ rate (converted prior to inputting on database as £, using daily or quarterly exchange rates as applicable)

  • select ‘save’
  • access ‘decision tab’

Note: If you are amending the decision post award, the date payment continued (post award) is required, which is the new date of the decision you have made on the claim. If you are dealing with a supplement click the supplement case box if when paying there are payments remaining. If it is a Nil supplement please select ‘Supplement No Payment’.

Children awarded under EC regulations or domestic need to be recorded on the screen. If awarding all children under EC regs then state the number of children.

  • select ‘save’
  • go to Step 16 

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Step 9

Access the ‘Edit TCO Record’ screen and amend the following fields

If the customers details have changed select

  • ‘Name’
  • ‘Address’
  • ‘RTR’
  • ‘Country’

Note: If due to the change of circumstances (change in competency) issue another E Form and update the Child details / E Form tab.

If the E Form returned refers to the child in the ‘Child Surname’ field

  • access the ‘Edit TCO Record’ screen
  • complete the following fields

    • ‘Date E Form returned’
    • ‘Outcome’
  • select the arrows to open the menu options
  • select the option
  • go to Step 10.

If the E Form returned doesn’t refer to the child in the ‘Child Surname’ field, access the ‘Edit TCO Record’ screen.

If the E Form issued isn’t shown on the main record

  • select ‘View All’

Note: The last note will be shown in the General Notes box.

  • check whether the issue of the E Form has been recorded
  • select ‘Close’
  • go to Step 10.

If you are dealing with a Slovakian national case

  • select ‘Slovakian claims’
  • select ‘Search’
  • enter NINO or Rodne Cislo
  • view / amend record as appropriate
  • select ‘save’
  • select ‘close’.

Note: If no record is found, consider creating a new record if appropriate.

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Step 10

If a family benefit is in payment

  • select ‘Rate of Foreign Family Benefit’
  • complete the following fields

    • ‘Frequency’
    • ‘Rate’
    • ‘From’
    • ‘To’
  • select the arrow to open the ‘Frequency’ menu options
  • select the option.

If a family benefit isn’t in payment

  • select ‘Rate of Foreign Family Benefit’
  • select ‘Foreign Family Benefits not in payment’

Note: ‘Date of Decision’ will be automatically populated.

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Step 11

Select ‘Add New’

  • select the outcome from the ‘Standard Notes’ field
  • select the arrows to open the menu options
  • select the option
  • complete the ‘Notes’ box
  • enter the full names of the children on the E Form
  • enter the date it was returned
  • if the E Form wasn’t recorded as sent

    • include the date of issue
    • include the country
  • go to Step 12.

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Step 12

If a family benefit is in payment

  • enter

    • ‘Frequency’
    • ‘Rate’
    • ‘From’
    • ‘To’
  • go to Step 13.

If a family benefit isn’t in payment

  • enter no family benefit in payment
  • select ‘Save’ once all of the details have been completed.

If the details aren’t correct Data Validation Failure reasons will be displayed, select ‘OK’ to go back to the main record.

Note: The system won’t allow the record to be saved if ‘Data Validation Failure’ exists.

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Step 13

Access the ‘Edit TCO Record’ screen

  • select ‘Add New’
  • select the required E Form sent option from the ‘Standard Notes’ field
  • select the arrows to open the menu options
  • select the option
  • complete the ‘Notes’ box with the full names of the children on the E Form date it was issued

    • the country it was sent to

Note: The main record should never be changed for the issue of additional E Forms.

  • select ‘Save’ once all of the details have been completed.

If details aren’t correct Data Validation Failure reasons will be displayed, select ‘OK’ to go back to the main record.

Note: The system won’t allow the record to be saved if ‘Data Validation Failure’ exists.

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Step 14

  • select ‘Add Children’

Note: Add appropriate children to IGDB you are issuing E Form for.

Note: Consider updating the child details E Form to say no return but also consider changing the decision to reflect the action you are taking on the claim

  • select ‘Save’

Note: When completing you can’t amend your decision until the outcome of the E Form is received.

Note: When leaving the IGDB please exit the system by selecting Exit and not opting for the ‘X’ in the top right corner.

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Step 15

Access the new EC record screen to add a new record

  • select ‘NINO’
  • select ‘Title’ (Mr, Mrs, Miss, Ms)
  • select ‘Customer Surname’
  • select ‘Customer Forename’
  • select ‘Country’

Note: Do not select the customer’s nationality but the country you are dealing with.

  • select ‘Address’
  • If there is a partner
  • select ‘Partners Surname’
  • select ‘Partners Forename’
  • select ‘NINO’

Note: if customer has a NONO leave blank.

  • select ‘WAS’
  • select ‘Child Details / E Form’ tab

Note: if you need to verify the composition of the family in EU Member State move on to the decision tab.

  • select ‘Child details / E Form’ tab
  • enter the child details
  • enter the date the E Form/SED was issued
  • enter who issued the E Form/SED
  • enter the type of E Form/SED issued
  • select ‘save’
  • select add decision on the ‘Decision tab’
  • enter the date of the decision/date of payment

Note: We are notifying the type of claim we have. Choose the type of claim, if it is under EC regs, select awarded and EC regs. If you amend the decision at post award the date payment continued is required to be completed which is the new date of decision you have made on the claim.
If you are dealing with a supplement select the supplement case, if when paying at a supplement there are payments remaining. If it is a Nil supplement select ‘Supplement no payment’

Note: Children awarded under EC regulations or domestic need to be recorded on the screen. If awarding all children under EC regs then state the number of children

Note: If you are dealing with a Slovakian case enter the following information

* Rodne Cislo
* Departure date or disallowance date
* Relevant AR code

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Step 16

  • Access the ‘Employment / Beneficiary’ screen

Note: If CBO have yet to action IGDB you now have a tick box to amend. Select the information from the claim for App1 or App2 and any 3rd party.

Note: A new general note box has been added to view any previous notes with any changes notified.

If you have a UK employer

  • select appropriate boxes for App1 or App2
  • select ‘save’
  • select ‘close’

Note: When leaving the IGDB please exit the system by selecting Exit and not opting for the ‘X’ in the top right corner