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TCM1000414 - How to check the status of a Joint Working case

The spreadsheets kept by each joint working team include a requirement to update the status of all cases. Case status descriptions are listed below.

In development

This is a pre case adoption status. Any case that is still building up intelligence in order to establish whether or not it is suitable for a joint prosecution should be given this status.


Once joint working has been agreed the case status should be updated to ‘Pre-Knock’. This means that as yet the suspect has not attended a voluntary interview or been arrested but there is a commitment from DWP to do so. This could also be seen as pre-intervention.


Once a suspect has been either invited in for a voluntary IUC or has been arrested then the case status should be updated to ‘Post Knock’. If a case status is updated to ‘Post Knock’ it is important that a date for the voluntary IUC or date of arrest is entered in the relevant column.


A case status should only be updated to ‘Pre-Trial’ once there is a commitment from the CPS/PF to either charge or Information and Summons a suspect. Please ensure cases are not marked as ‘Pre-Trial’ just because the DWP have forwarded prosecution papers to the CPS/PF. If the status is updated to ‘Pre-Trial’ then you must ensure you enter the date of the first court appearance in the relevant column.

At Trial

The case status should only be updated to ‘At Trial’ if a not guilty plea has been entered and the case is physically at trial.

Post Trial

As soon as either a guilty plea has been entered or an individual has been found guilty the case status should be updated to ‘Post Trial’. Ensure that you enter details of the sentence and the date of sentence in the relevant columns. The majority of our cases will go straight from ‘Pre-Trial’ to Post Trial’ as guilty pleas are often entered. The case should remain ‘Post trail’ until the suspect has been sentenced and any confiscation dealt with.


Closed should only be used for cases that have been successfully prosecuted, sentencing has taken place and any confiscation dealt with.


Should be used for cases taken up but that fall out for one reason or another but always enter the date in the relevant column.