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TCM1000419 - How to use viewer

This is also known as ‘Call Replay’. This programme is used to trace customer calls made to our contact centres. If you have access to this programme it can be found by

  • in ‘My Workplace’ go to ‘Corporate Services’ and then ‘Tools’

Once viewer is open you can use the details found on CMA and the call request stencil to trace a call

  • locate the contact centre site on the left hand side from the code on the stencil
  • enter the date from and to by selecting the date box and a calendar will appear
  • enter the time from and to by selecting the time box and a box will appear where the time can be adjusted and set to the time of your call. Note: CMA does not always have accurate times so it helps to expand the timeframe you are searching to account for this
  • take the details from the call request stencil and enter them into the corresponding box within viewer

    • in the Agent box enter Aspect advisor ID
    • in the CLI box enter the CLI (this is the number the call was made from)
    • in the Track ID box enter the Voice recorder number
    • select the blue arrow at the bottom of the contact centre site list
  • a list of calls should now appear in the right hand pane, if “NO ITEMS FOUND” appears then the call is no trace and needs to be removed from the call request stencil
  • the call you are looking for and select the speaker icon, call is now being retrieved
  • to trace the next call, select the contact centre list and repeat the process
  • if the message ‘No replayable content was found for this item, there may have been a problem retrieving the content’ is shown this means viewer has the call but has not retrieved it on that attempt. Selecting the speaker icon a second time often solves the problem and retrieves the call. If this message appears a second time you should try the following work around:

    • select Tools while in Call Replay
    • then select Internet Options
    • then select Delete Cookies, followed by OK
    • then select Delete Files
    • then select Delete all offline content, followed by OK
    • select Content, fourth tab along the top of the internet options box
    • select Clear SSL State, followed by OK
    • in the Internet Options Box select OK
    • finally select the speaker icon again
    • if the message ‘No replayable content was found for this item, there may have been a problem retrieving the content’ is shown again this means the call is not available.