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TCM1000423 - How to check Self-Assessment 2000 (SA 2000) for self-employment

Step 1

  • enter the customer’s NINO or UTR in the details box and select ‘Case Summary’
  • in the ‘Case Summary’ screen select ‘Sources’
    Note: This will show the number of self-employed jobs.
  • enter the job number you wish to view in the select ‘source ref’ box
  • select ‘View’
    Note: The ‘Trade Details’ screen gives business addresses, business name, description and trade start date.
  • select ‘SA Notes’ to view the notes
    Note: This may include relevant notes for the self-employment such as contact between customer and Self-Assessment.
  • select ‘Returns’ to view the ‘Return Summary’ screen which will have details of each tax year return such as issue date and received date.