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TCM1000490 - How to establish the customers entitlement using SEES and populate the Calculation sheet - Manual Payments Team

Step 1

On the ‘Function Menu’

  • select ‘Application’ on the toolbar
  • select ‘View’ from the options available. You will be taken to the ‘Key Entry Data - Applicant’ screen
  • enter the customer’s NINO
  • select the ‘Latest’ checkbox
  • select ‘OK’.

If you are taken to the ‘Select Application’ screen

  • select the relevant claim
  • select ‘OK’. You will be taken to the ‘Application Summary’ screen
  • go to Step 2.

If you are taken to the ‘Select Application Version’ screen

  • select the latest claim version
  • select ‘OK’. You will be taken to the ‘Application Summary’ screen
  • go to Step 2.

If you are taken straight to the ‘Application Summary’ screen, go to Step 2.

Step 2

Return to your desktop

  • open the ‘R’ spreadsheet on your desktop. The spreadsheet will open at the letter page with a message displayed
  • select ‘Don’t update’. The letter page of the spreadsheet will display
  • return to the ‘Application Summary’ screen to enter the name and address details onto the TC857p letter.

If customer 1 is the nominated recipient

  • select ‘Continue’. You will be taken to the ‘Additional Information’ screen for customer 1
  • select the customer 1 details on the screen
  • select ‘Print’
  • go to Step 3.

If customer 2 is the nominated recipient

  • select ‘Continue’ twice. You will be taken to the ‘Additional Information’ screen for customer 2
  • select the customer 2 details on the screen
  • select ‘Print’
  • go to Step 3.

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Step 3

Return to the open letter page of the spreadsheet

  • select ‘Collect details’. The details will be automatically transferred to the letter

Note: Enter customer 2 NINO if required on the right hand side of the letter.

  • select the ‘Addressee’ box, either ‘App 1’ or ‘App2 ‘ on the letter
  • select ‘Calculation sheet’ from the bottom of the spreadsheet
  • go to Step 4.

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Step 4

On the ‘Calculation’ sheet, check and complete both of the following sections

  • section 1 - all fields will be populated

    • check that customer 1 and customer 2 name and NINO details are correct
    • confirm the ‘Nominated recipient’ fields and ‘Nominated credit’ fields are populated correctly as noted on the stencil
    • use the drop down menus to amend any details, if required
  • section 2 - the award start date and end dates will be populated with the start date and end date of the current tax year

    • amend the end date if the award has already ended
  • go to Step 5.

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Step 5

Open the ‘SEES Tax Credits Entitlement Calculator’ (Tcalc1) in Microsoft (MS) Excel. To do this

  • select ‘SEES’ on the toolbar
  • select ‘Tax Credits Entitlement Calculator’ from the options available

Note: If ‘SEES’ is not on your toolbar, SEES can be installed from the Intranet. Go to the ‘Benefits & Credits’ homepage, select ‘S’ from the ‘B&C A-Z index’, select ‘SEES homepage’ and then select ‘Install SEES’.

  • use ‘Window’ to move between the ‘SEES Tax Credits Entitlement Calculator’ and the spreadsheet
  • go to Step 6.

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Step 6

Select the appropriate tax year

  • select ‘Enter details of elements awarded’. You will be asked ‘Is this calculator being used to provide an estimate of entitlement to a customer’, select ‘No’

Note: If CY is ‘S’ (system estimated), check if we have ‘E’ (estimated) or ‘A’ (actual) income for PY. We do not need CY income to do a calculation. Estimated or actual income for PY is sufficient.

  • complete ‘SEES’ calculation. For how to do this, use TCM1000089.

If the result of the calculation is that there is no entitlement

  • update Household Notes with the message PC04 from TCM0168020. For how to do this, use TCM1000001 
  • return to the guidance you were previously following.

If the result of the calculation is that there is entitlement

  • complete section 2 of the ‘Calculation’ sheet using the data from the ‘SEES Tax Credits Entitlement Calculator’ print out as follows

Note: Use ‘Window’ to go back to the ‘Calculation’ sheet and select ‘Collect’ in section 2. The figures from the ‘SEES Tax Credits Entitlement Calculator’ will populate section 2.

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Step 7

On section 3 of the ‘Calculation’ sheet

Note: The ‘Household Pay Day’ is populated with today’s date. The ‘Date of Next HH pay day’ is populated with a date two weeks from today’s date. If a different date is needed this date can be moved forwards or backwards. The correct pay date can be entered up to one day before payment is due.

If the award period has not already ended for recalculation cases

  • check if the ‘Recalculation referral’ template states a pay date to be used to tie in with the previous pay dates
  • check the last pay date in function ‘View Household Notes’ to confirm the day and date for the next payment according to the pay frequency
  • change the ‘Today date’ field on the right hand side of the sheet to the required date
  • go to Step 8.

If the award period has not already ended and you are dealing with

  • new referral cases, use today’s date as the pay day
  • ‘Business As Usual’ (BAU) cases. use two weeks from today’s date as the next pay date
  • ‘User Requested Payment’ (URP) ‘PXRM’ cases, use the date one week from today’s date as the next pay date
  • select ‘Save after checking’
  • go to Step 8.

If the award period has already ended

  • treat the end date of the award period as the next household pay day
  • record this date in the ‘Date of Next HH pay day’ box in the ‘Entitlement to Next HH pay day’ table at section 3 of the ‘Calculation’ sheet
  • complete the ‘WTC’ and ‘CTC’ boxes in the ‘Entitlement to next HH pay day’ table at section 3 of the ‘Calculation’ sheet using the data from the Tax Credits Entitlement Calculator print out

Note: This will be the same as the details entered at section 2 of the ‘Calculation’ sheet.

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Step 8

To determine entitlement up to the next household pay day, use ‘Window’ to return to the ‘SEES Tax Credits Entitlement Calculator’

  • on the ‘SEES Tax Credits Entitlement Calculator’
  • remove any change of circumstances where the effective date is after the date of the next household pay day, recorded in the ‘Entitlement to next HH pay day’ table at section 3 of the ‘Calculation’ sheet
  • use a change of circumstances with the next household pay day as the effective date of the claim or change of circumstance and remove all elements
  • select ‘Calc’. The ‘Calc’ screen will display
  • select ‘Print’ to print out the ‘SEES’ calculation

Note: Only select the ‘View Calculation’ sheet for printing.

  • use ‘Window’ to return to the spreadsheet
  • select ‘Collect’ in section 3. The ‘’WTC’, ‘CTC’ and ‘Total’ amounts due up to the date of the next household pay date will populate
  • go to Step 9.

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Step 9

Enter the percentage of the adjustment required, as noted earlier on the ‘Calculation’ sheet

If you are dealing with a ‘Minimum award’ case the percentage required is 100%

  • select ‘100%’ from the ‘Category of Award’ field in the ‘Entitlement to next HH pay day’ table at section 3

Note: The ‘Adjusted remaining WTC / CTC entitlement’ field will be populated automatically with zeros.

If you are dealing with a case where ‘Qualifying benefits’ are in payment the percentage required is 10%

  • select ‘10%’ from the ‘Category of Award’ field in the ‘Entitlement to next HH pay day’ table at section 3

Note: The ‘Adjusted remaining WTC / CTC entitlement’ field will be populated automatically.

If neither of the above applies the percentage required is 25%

  • select ‘25%’ from the ‘Category of Award’ field in the ‘Entitlement to next HH pay day’ table at section 3

Note: The ‘Adjusted remaining WTC / CTC entitlement’ field will be populated automatically.

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Step 10

From the payment details noted, complete the following at section 3 of the ‘Calculation’ sheet

  • system payments up to today’s date
  • payments still to be paid from today’s date up to the date of the next household pay day
  • any manual payments made so far, as listed on the ‘Calculation’ sheet and whether these payments are posted or not posted

Note: Payments marked as posted ‘Yes’ will not be deducted as they will already be included in the ‘System payments Up To’.

  • any system payments still to be paid after the date of the next household pay day
  • select the ‘Enter’ key on your keyboard to prompt the calculation
  • go to Step 11.

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Step 11

Schedule the manual payments. To do this, on the ‘Calculation’ sheet

  • select the ‘Schedule of payments’ page

Note: If the adjusted WTC or CTC figure applies, ‘In year restriction applied’ will display.

  • the customer 1 and customer 2, if appropriate details will have been copied from the ‘Calculation’ sheet
  • select the reason for issue from the drop down menu
  • select ‘Allocate’. The pay dates for the remainder of the tax year and the amounts payable will automatically populate
  • arrears and roundings are displayed in the first payment field
  • the remaining entitlement is divided equally between the number of scheduled payments shown in the payment fields for the remaining pay dates
  • the totals are shown at the bottom of the screen

Note: The totals shown and any payments that have already been made should equal the entitlement for the year, unless a restricted adjustment has been applied.

If no arrears are payable

  • the remaining payments shown may be adjusted at your manager’s discretion
  • to divide the remaining entitlement over all the remaining pay dates, ask your manager for advice
  • go to Step 12.

If arrears are payable, go to Step 12.

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Step 12

On the ‘Calculation’ sheet, select ‘Letters’ tab

  • select ‘Print’ to print out the ‘Letter’
  • select the ‘Calc sheet’ and print this page
  • select ‘Schedule’ and print this page
  • you should now hold hard copies of the

    • letter
    • ‘Calculation’ sheets with arrears (two pages) and schedule (one page)


    • ‘SEES’ ‘Calculation’ sheets you printed out earlier
  • go to Step 13.

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Step 13

Save and close documents

  • select ‘File’ ‘Save As’ a signal box will appear
  • select ‘Ok’
  • save in locally held ‘CAF’
  • select ‘no’ when the signal box appears to close the ‘Calculation’ sheet


  • save ‘SEES’

    • select ‘File’ ‘Save As’ a signal box will appear
    • select ‘Ok’
    • save in locally held ‘CAF’
    • select ‘no’ when the signal box appears to close ‘SEES’
  • return to the guidance you were previously following.