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TCM1000491 - How to calculate the manual payments using the Calculation sheet

Step 1

Note: The first scheduled payment will be due 28 days after the next household pay day, recorded at section 3 of the ‘Calculation’ sheet, or on the award end date if this is less than 28 days after the next household pay day.

On the ‘Calculation’ sheet

  • select the ‘Schedule of Payments’ tab

Note: The default entry in the ‘Frequency’ box is 4 weekly. If the customer has requested weekly payments, select the ‘Frequency’ box, select the arrow and then select ‘Weekly’.

  • select the appropriate reason for issue

Note: The award end date is automatically completed.

  • enter the next household pay day, as recorded at section 3 of the ‘Calculation’ sheet in the first row of the ‘Due Date’ column
  • enter the year end date

Note: This will be the end date for the tax year being calculated or the award end date, if earlier.

Note: The ‘Due Date’ column will be populated with the payment due dates up to the end of the award period.

  • select the ‘Calculation sheet’ tab
  • go to Step 2.

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Step 2

Note: The ‘Balance to Pay’ amount in the ‘Rounding’ table in section 4 will automatically display the total WTC and CTC balances shown in the ’Balance to Pay’ table in section 4, or if greater the total adjusted remaining WTC and/or CTC entitlement shown in the ‘Entitlement to next HH pay day’ table in section 3.

If the ‘Balance to Pay’ amount in the ‘Rounding’ table is positive for both tax credits

  • divide the amounts recorded in the ‘Rounding’ table at section 4 of the ‘Calculation’ sheet by the figure in the ‘Number of scheduled payments’ box on the Schedule of Payments
  • go to Step 3.

If the ‘Balance to Pay’ amount in the ‘Rounding’ table is positive for one tax credit and negative for the other

  • divide the amount recorded in the ‘Total’ column on the ‘Balance to Pay’ line of the ‘Rounding’ table at section 4 of the ‘Calculation’ sheet by the figure in the ‘Number of scheduled payments’ box on the Schedule of Payments
  • go to Step 3.

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Step 3

Round the results down to the nearest penny. This will be the amount of the regular scheduled payments for each tax credit

Note: Payments of less than £1 mustn’t be made. Any shortfall will be picked up and dealt with by the tax credits computer in due course.

  • select the ‘Schedule of Payments’ tab

Note: If the adjusted WTC and/or CTC figure applies, ‘In year restriction applied’ will display.

  • enter the regular scheduled payment amount in the ‘WTC’ and ‘CTC’ columns of the Schedule of Manual payments form for all rows with a Due Date entered except the first row
  • make a note of the total amounts of scheduled manual payments
  • select the ‘Calculation sheet’ tab
  • enter the amount of scheduled manual payments in the ‘Rounding’ table at section 4 of the ‘Calculation’ sheet. The amount of rounding payment is automatically calculated
  • go to Step 4.

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Step 4

Calculate the amount of the first or only manual payment. The first manual payment will be

  • the amount of any arrears, recorded at section 4 of the ‘Calculation’ sheet


  • the amount of any rounding payment, recorded at section 4 of the ‘Calculation’ sheet

Note: Payments of less than £1 mustn’t be made. Any shortfall will be picked up and dealt with by the tax credits computer in due course.

  • on the ‘Calculation’ sheet, select the ‘Schedule of Payments’ tab
  • record the result in the first row under the ‘WTC’ and ‘CTC’ columns of the ‘Schedule of payments’ table. The total amounts will be automatically calculated
  • print off the ‘Schedule of Payments’ and attach it to the case papers
  • select the ‘Calculation sheet’ tab
  • print off the ‘Calculation’ sheet and attach it to the case papers.