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TCM1000498 - How to check if the Loss of Benefit Sanction referral (LOB1) has been completed correctly

Step 1

Check that the benefit offence that has been committed was on or after 1 April 2013

If the benefit offence took place before 1 April 2013

  • the sanction cannot be applied

If the benefit offence took place on or after 1 April 2013, go to Step 2.

Step 2

Check the LOB1 has been completed with all the following information

  • Part 1 ‘Claimant Details’ (to ensure that you can trace the right customer)
  • Part 2 ‘Penalty Details’ shows the Determination Date (this is the date the investigator determines that a Loss of Benefit penalty applies)
  • the disqualification period has been completed showing the number of weeks that the sanction is to be applied
  • a Loss of Benefit penalty letter has been issued by the Department of Work and Pensions (DWP)

If all the following information has been completed

  • the LOB1 has been completed correctly

If some of the information is missing

  • the LOB1 is incomplete