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TCM1000509 - How to search the manual payments BAU Database and URP Spreadsheet and create a new record

Step 1

If you are dealing with a new ‘BAU Database’ payment

Access the Manual Payments ‘BAU Database’ to search for an existing record. To do this

  • access the Manual Payments ‘BAU Database’
  • compare the details held on the tax credits computer against the details shown on the referral
  • select ‘Search Database’. You will be taken to the ‘Search’ screen
  • enter the customers NINO
  • select ‘Find’
  • go to Step 2.

If you are dealing with a new ‘User Requested Payment’ (URP), go to Step 6.

If you are printing BFs, go to Step 14.

If you are authorising or rejecting a ‘BAU’ manual payment, go to Step 15.

If you are making a ‘URP’ payment, go to Step 16.

Step 2

If no existing record is found

  • ‘Add new record’
  • ‘New manual payment’ screen displays
  • go to Step 3.

If an existing record is found, go to Step 4.

Step 3

Create a new customer record on the ‘New Manual Payment’ screen. To do this, complete all of the following information for the customer

  • forename
  • surname
  • NINO
  • originating team
  • address
  • postcode
  • select the ‘Appointee’ checkbox if the customer wishes to be paid through an appointee
    Note: The ‘Tax Year’ field defaults to the current tax year but can be altered if necessary.
  • complete the payment amounts (WTC and CTC)
  • select the ‘Payment frequency’
  • complete the date the first payment is due
    Note: The payment may be later than the due date.
  • select the ‘One off’ checkbox if the payment is a one-off payment
    Note: If the ‘One off’ checkbox is selected this will automatically close the record on the date the payment is processed.
  • select the appropriate payment category as indicated on the payments schedule or form TC648
    Note: If the category is incorrect, correct the category.
  • select the payment method. This will either be ‘Normal’ or ‘Immediate’
  • select the ‘Fixed’ checkbox, if required
    Note: If the ‘Fixed’ checkbox is not selected, all the subsequent payments will revert to ‘Normal’.
  • complete the ‘Post-Payment Action’ field
    Note: This informs Worthing if or when to post the payment amount onto the tax credits computer, as follows
    • Process - for standard procedures where payment can be posted to the customers account
    • Pre Award - for awaiting award cases where there is no account available to post the payment to. Worthing will post it to the customers account when a schedule has been created
    • Never - Worthing will send out the payment but never post it to the customers account
    • Hold Pending TCO Advice - Worthing will send out the payment but won’t post it to the customers account until advised by TCO.
      Note: ‘Hold Pending TCO Advice’ should only be used if a BF date is set to inform Worthing of the action they need to take. If Worthing do not receive advice within three months of the payment issue date, the payment will be re-categorised automatically by Worthing as ‘Never’.
  • select ‘OK’
  • go to Step 5.

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Step 4

Determine if the record is for the same tax year as the request for the payment.

If the record is not for the same tax year as the request for the payment, go to Step 5.

If the record is for the same tax year as the request for the payment, go to Step 7.

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Step 5

If the referral is not a ‘BAU’ recalculation case

  • select ‘Add New Record’. You will be taken to the ‘New Manual Payment’ screen
  • go back to Step 3.

If the referral is a ‘BAU’ recalculation case, go to Step 7.

If the referral is a ‘URP’ recalculation case, return to the guidance you were previously following.

If the referral is not a ‘URP’ recalculation case, go to Step 16.

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Step 6

Check if a record already exists for the correct tax year on the ‘URP Spreadsheet’ before continuing (unless this has already been checked). To do this

  • access the ‘URP Spreadsheet’ main menu screen
  • select ‘Read Only’
  • search Using the ‘Auto filter’ on the ‘NINO’ field

If no record exists on ‘URP Spreadsheet’

  • select ‘Add New Record’. You will be taken to the ‘New Manual Payment’ screen
  • go back to Step 3.

If a record already exists on the ‘URP Spreadsheet’, go to Step 5.

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Step 7

Note: A new record must be created if the referral is for a one off payment.

Note: A closed record will display the date it was closed.

Note: A closed record can’t be re-opened if the record held is for the wrong tax year or the new referral is for a one off payment.

Note: A closed record can be re-opened if the record held is for the correct tax year, the request has come from the Recalculation Team and it is not a one off payment.

Note: You should only ever close a record if it needs to be closed in order to re-open it to enter new payment details, for example a recalculation case or to create a new record for a one off payment.

Note: You should only amend the personal details if the recalculation has a change of address.

On the ‘Search’ screen

If the record is closed and it can not be re-opened

  • select ‘Add New Record’. You will be taken to the ‘New Manual Payment’ screen
  • go back to Step 3.

If the record is closed and you want to re-open it

  • select the record you want to change
  • select ‘Edit the highlighted record’. You will be taken to the ‘Customer Record’ screen
  • go to Step 9.

If the record is open and you want to close it

  • select the record you want to change
  • select ‘Edit the highlighted record’. You will be taken to the ‘Customer Record’ screen
  • go to Step 9.

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Step 8

When all the data is complete, you will see a prompt asking you to confirm the details are correct

If the details are incorrect

  • select ‘No’
  • amend the details as appropriate
  • select ‘OK’
  • select ‘Yes’. You will be taken to the ‘EARS’ screen
    Note: If you have selected the ‘Appointee’ checkbox, you will be asked to complete the appointee details. Complete the name and address of the appointee and then select ‘OK’
  • go to Step 9.

If the details are correct

  • select ‘Yes’. You will be taken to the ‘EARS’ screen
    Note: If you have selected the ‘Appointee’ checkbox, you will be asked to complete the appointee details. Complete the name and address of the appointee and then select ‘OK’
  • go to Step 9.

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Step 9

Note: This ‘EARS’ screen allows you to specify an EARS reference. This can be used to determine the likely impact of system fixes on the manual payment caseload and possibly for the bulk clearance of manual payment customers.

On the ‘EARS’ screen

  • enter the EARS reference details
  • select ‘X’ in the top corner of the screen. The information will be automatically saved.
    Note: The ‘Payment History’ screen shows the initial and second payments that are due. You may amend the WTC and/or CTC amounts but not the due dates. Normally you may want to amend the second amount as the first payment could contain arrears.
    Note: When these payments have been issued, a ‘Print Date’ and ‘Giro’ number will be visible. Also details of the cashcheque numbers are shown when you select ‘Cashcheques’.
  • select details of the second payment on the ‘Payment History’ screen
  • amend the WTC and/or CTC amount, if necessary
  • select ‘X’ in the top corner of the screen. The information will be automatically saved
  • take no further action.

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Step 10

To amend an open record

  • access the Manual Payments ‘BAU Database’
  • go to the ‘Customer Record’ screen to view or amend the customer’s details
    Note: When you select ‘Edit an Existing Record’ on the ‘Search’ screen and the ‘Customer Record’ screen displays, the PI number of the user who created the record is shown in the caption at the top of the screen.
  • take the appropriate action if any to check or amend the following
    • amend the customer’s details
      Note: Only done by this team if amending the whole record, for example if re-opening a record following a recalculation. Amending the customer’s details will create an audit log.
    • amend the payment details
    • amend the payment frequency
    • check the entire customer payment history.

If you need to amend any of the above

  • select ‘View Payment History’. You will be taken to the ‘Payment History’ screen
  • amend details as appropriate
  • go to Step 11.

If you need to add or amend any notes for this customer, for example for a change of address

  • select ‘Notes’. You will be taken to the ‘Notes’ screen
  • amend details as appropriate
  • go to Step 11.

If you need to check or amend the appointee details

  • select ‘View/Amend Appointee’. You will be taken to the ‘Appointee Details’ screen
  • amend details as appropriate
  • go to Step 11.

If you need to add or amend the EARS reference

  • select ‘Log EARS No’. You will be taken to the ‘EARS’ screen
  • amend details as appropriate
  • go to Step 11.

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Step 11

Note: If a record has been closed, you may need to create a brand new customer record, for example because the payment is a one off payment or the record found is for the wrong tax year.

Note: If there is an existing record for the correct tax year and the referral is noted as a recalculation case you will need to close the existing record, if it’s open and then re-open the record to enter the new payment details.

Note: If there is an existing record for the correct tax year and the referral is for a one off payment you will need to close the existing record, if it’s open and open a new record to enter the new payment details.

If you want to close an open record on the Manual Payments ‘BAU Database’

  • go to the ‘Customer Record’ screen on the Manual Payments ‘BAU Database’
  • enter today’s date in the ‘Date Closed’ field
  • select ‘OK’. You will be taken to the ‘Confirmation’ screen
    • select ‘OK’ to confirm you wish to open a record. You will be taken back to the ‘Customer Record’ screen
    • select ‘Cancel’ to cancel the closure of a record. You will be taken back to the ‘Customer Record’ screen
      Note: When closing a record, if you select ‘OK’ any unpaid clerical payments that are not yet printed will be deleted.
  • go to Step 12.

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Step 12

If you want to create a new record on the manual payments ‘BAU Database’

  • select ‘OK’. You will be taken back to the ‘Search’ screen. The customers details will still be shown
  • select ‘Add New Record’. You will be taken to the ‘New Manual Payment’ screen
  • go back to Step 3.

If you want to re-open a closed record on the manual payments ‘BAU Database’

  • go to the ‘Customer Record’ screen if you are not already on this screen on the manual payments ‘BAU Database’
  • amend the address, if appropriate
  • select ‘Re-Start Payments’. You will be taken to the ‘Re-starting payments for XXXXXXX’ screen
    Note: The closed date will be removed automatically when you select ‘Re-Start Payments’.
  • enter the new amounts of WTC in the ‘WTC Amount’ field
  • enter the new amount of CTC in the ‘CTC Amount’ field
  • enter the due date of the first new payment in the ‘First Payment Due’ field
    Note: Customers can’t receive more than one payment for the same due date. If you enter an incorrect due date you will receive a warning message.
  • select the pay frequency for this customer from the ‘Payment Frequency’ field
    then, when all the details have been entered
  • select ‘OK’
  • go to Step 13.

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Step 13

When the message requesting you to confirm the details are correct displays

If the details are correct

  • select ‘Yes’. You will be taken to the ‘Payment History’ screen
  • go back to Step 9.

If the details are incorrect

  • select ‘No’. You will be taken to the ‘New Manual Payment’ screen
  • amend the details, where necessary
  • select ‘OK’
  • select ‘Yes’ when the message redisplays. You will be taken to the ‘Payment History’ screen
  • go back to Step 9.

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Step 14

If you are printing ‘BAU’ payment BFs

  • access the Manual Payments ‘BAU Database’. You will be taken to the ‘Manual Giro Payments’ database ‘Main Menu’ screen
  • select ‘Manage Payments’. You will be taken to the ‘Payment Management’ screen
    Note: Prepare check sheets in advance of the due date where possible to give sufficient time for the payment to be processed in time for the date it is due. Select in date order starting with the earliest date. Confirm with your line manager if you are in doubt of how far in advance you need to prepare the check sheets. ‘BAU’ payments normally need to be issued to Worthing a minimum of 10 days before the due date to ensure payment is made on time.
  • select the payment due date you wish to create check sheets for
  • select ‘Pre Payment Check’. You will be asked which date you want to print the check sheets for
  • enter the payment due date
    Note: This is the payment due date you highlighted earlier.
  • select ‘OK’. The ‘Pre-Payment Giro chk-Check list - BF Date’ spreadsheet will display
    Note: This spreadsheet gives details of every payment due on the date selected. You can only produce and print check sheets for one date at a time. There is no limit to the number of payments that can be picked up from one date onto the check sheets.
  • right click on the mouse and select ‘Print’ to print out the spreadsheet
    Note: Print the spreadsheet direct to a printer without a duplex to produce a single-sided check sheet otherwise you can not remove the double-sided option.
  • close the spreadsheet
  • select ‘No’ when the message ‘Do you want to save the changes’ displays. You will be taken back to the ‘Payment Management’ screen
  • select away from the ‘Date’ field so the date is no longer highlighted
    Note: If you need to create check sheets for another due date, select the next payment due date you wish to create check sheets for, then repeat until all the check sheets have been produced for all the required due dates.
    then when all the required check sheets have been printed out
  • close the spreadsheet
  • select ‘No’ when the message ‘Do you want to save the changes’ displays. You will be taken back to the ‘Payment Management’ screen
  • select away from the ‘Date’ field so the date is no longer highlighted
  • select ‘Main Menu’
  • return to the guidance you were previously following.

If you are printing ‘URP’ payment BFs

  • access the ‘URP’ spreadsheet
  • select ‘Request Date, Auto Filter’
    Note: Prepare check sheets in advance of the due date where possible to give sufficient time for the payment to be processed in time for the date it is due. Select in date order starting with the earliest date. Confirm with your line manager if you are in doubt of how far in advance you need to prepare the check sheets. ‘URP’s normally need to be authorised a minimum of four days before the due date to ensure payment is made on time.


  • select the payment due date/request date you wish to create check sheets for
  • select ‘Date Requested’. An Excel spreadsheet will display
    Note: The Excel spreadsheet gives details of every payment due on the date selected. You can only produce and print check sheets for one date at a time. There is no limit to the number of payments that can be picked up from one date onto the check sheets.


  • print out the Excel spreadsheet
  • select ‘File’ on the toolbar menu
  • select ‘Print’ from the options available
  • select ‘Preview’
  • select ‘page break preview’ on the toolbar menu
  • drag the ‘Print Area’ to cover all entries on the spreadsheet
  • select ‘File’ on the toolbar menu
  • select ‘Print’ from the options available
    then when all the required check sheets have been printed out
  • close the Excel spreadsheet
  • select ‘No’ when the message ‘Do you want to save the changes’ displays. You will be taken back to the spreadsheet
    Note: If you need to create check sheets for another due date, select the next payment due date you wish to create check sheets for then repeat until all the check sheets have been produced for all the required due dates.
  • return to the guidance you were previously following.

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Step 15

Open ‘BAU Database’

If you are refusing or rejecting a ‘BAU’ payment

  • select ‘Search Database’
  • enter customer’s NINO
  • select ‘Find’
  • select ‘Edit Highlighted Row’
  • enter today’s date in ‘date Closed’ field
  • select ‘OK’
  • return to the guidance you were previously following.

If you are authorising a ‘BAU’ payment

  • once all amendments to the ‘Pre-payment’ check list have been completed on the database
  • select ‘Manage Payments’
  • select appropriate ‘Tab’ ‘Cash Cheques’ or ‘Bacs’ dependant on payments to be authorise.
  • select payment ‘Due Date’
    Note: You can only highlight one date at a time to be authorised.
  • select ‘Issue Payment’ highlighted in red. This will create the R92TC range in the top left corner of the payment management screen.
  • make a note of the authorisation details as you will need these for your records
    • ‘Due Date’
    • total payment
    • type of payment
    • batch number
    • R92TC serial range.
      Note: An excel spreadsheet will then be created with all the necessary information for RF Worthing to issue the payment.
  • select ‘OK’. The ‘Worthing Bacs or Cheques’ folder opens with the ‘Excel Spreadsheet’ displayed. The spreadsheet contains the
    • spreadsheet number
    • first and last R92 number
    • creation date
      Note: You will need to repeat this step to authorise each payment, selecting ‘Worthing Bacs’ or ‘Worthing Cheques’ as appropriate.
      then once all payment have been authorised
  • place the excel spreadsheets in the ‘TCO Payment Requests CAF’
    • minimise the ‘Manual Payments BAU Database’
    • re-open the ‘Worthing Bacs’ or ‘Worthing Cheques’ folder
    • drag a copy of the ‘Excel’ spreadsheet from either the ‘Worthing Bacs’ or ‘Worthing Cheques’ folder to the ‘TCO Payment Requests CAF’
    • move the ‘Excel’ spreadsheet in either the ‘Worthing Bacs’ or ‘Worthing Cheques’ folder into the ‘Completed Sheets’ file
    • close all the folders
    • maximise the ‘Manual Payments BAU Database’
  • email RF Worthing to notify them that the payments to be made are in the ‘CAF’ awaiting action
  • take no further action.

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Step 16

Note: From April 2017 URP’s can only be paid by Bacs. Payment can be made in one lump sum as there is no maximum restriction, only a minimum restriction of £1.00.

Update ‘URP’ spreadsheet with the payment details

  • select ‘OK’. You will be taken back to the ‘User Requested Payment’ screen
  • select ‘Request Payt’. You will be taken to the ‘User Requested Payment Detail’ screen
  • enter the CTC and/or WTC amounts from the ‘Requested Payments Check Sheet’ in the relevant CTC and/or WTC amount fields
  • select the payment reason from the ‘Reason For Payment’ field
    Note: If the default payee for either tax credits is not displayed, select the appropriate payee from the ‘Payment Recipient’ field.
    Note: If the payee on the tax credits computer differs from the payee on the ‘Requested Payments Check Sheet’, amend the details on the check sheet to match the details on the tax credits computer.
  • select ‘OK’. You will be taken back to the ‘User Requested Payment’ screen
  • check that the requested payment details are correct
    Note: If you want to make changes to a ‘URP’ you will have to cancel out of the screen and re-request the payment. Any other requests you have made will need to be re-requested also.
    Note: If you need to request further payments, repeat the above.
  • select ‘OK’
  • select the payment completed checkbox on the ‘URP’ check sheet.
    Note: The payment will then go to the ‘URP Authorisers Team’ for authorisation.
  • return to the guidance you were previously following.