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TCM1000516 - How to check if there are any current year ‘Initial CY’ or ‘Amended’ awards that require a TC602 manual award notice issuing

Version 1.0

Changes to previous version - new guidance.

Step 1

On the ‘Function Menu’

  • select ‘Award’ on the toolbar
  • select ‘View’ from the options available. You will be taken to the ‘Key Entry Data’ screen
  • enter the customers NINO
  • select the ‘All’ checkbox
  • select ‘OK’. You will be taken to the ‘Select Award’ screen
  • check if there are any current year (CY) awards that have ‘Initial CY’ in the ‘Award Type’ column.

Note: Only check awards for the household that the customer is disputing or complaining about. Any notices for any previous single or joint households don’t need to be considered when following this guidance.

If there are any CY awards that have ‘Initial CY’ in the ‘Award Type’ column, go to Step 2.

If there aren’t any CY awards that have ‘Initial CY’ in the ‘Award Type’ column, a TC602 manual award notice doesn’t need issuing for any ‘Initial CY’ or amended awards.

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Step 2

For the CY awards that have ‘Initial CY’ in the ‘Award Type’ column, check if there is a corresponding date in the ‘Issue Date’ column.

If there is a corresponding date in the ‘Issue Date’ column

  • a TC602 manual award notice doesn’t need issuing for any ‘Initial CY’ awards
  • go to Step 6.

If there isn’t a corresponding date in the ‘Issue Date’ column

  • double click on the ‘Initial CY’ award that doesn’t have a corresponding date in the ‘Issue Date’ column. You will be taken to the ‘Award Summary’ screen
  • check if ‘Auto-Renewal’ is shown in the ‘Reason for Issue’ field
  • go to Step 3.

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Step 3

If ‘Auto-Renewal’ is shown in the ‘Reason for Issue’ field

  • a TC602 manual award notice doesn’t need issuing for any ‘Initial CY’ awards
  • select ‘Cancel’. You will be taken back to the ‘Select Award’ screen
  • go to Step 6.

If ‘Auto-Renewal’ isn’t shown in the ‘Reason for Issue’ field

  • select ‘Cancel’. You will be taken back to the ‘Select Award’ screen
  • check if there are any subsequent CY awards that have ‘Amended’ in the ‘Award Type’ column
  • go to Step 4.

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Step 4

If there are any subsequent CY awards that have ‘Amended’ in the ‘Award Type’ column, go to Step 7.

If there aren’t any subsequent CY awards that have ‘Amended’ in the ‘Award Type’ column

  • check Household Notes to check if the ‘Initial CY’ award has already had a TC602 manual award notice issued. For how to do this, use TCM1000067 
  • go to Step 5.

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Step 5

If the ‘Initial CY’ award has already had a TC602 manual award notice issued, a TC602 manual award notice doesn’t need issuing for any ‘Initial CY’ awards.

If the ‘Initial CY’ award hasn’t already had a TC602 manual award notice issued, a TC602 manual award notice does need issuing for the ‘Initial CY’ award.

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Step 6

On the ‘Select Award’ screen, check if there are any CY awards that have ‘Amended’ in the ‘Award Type’ column.

If there are any CY awards that have ‘Amended’ in the ‘Award Type’ column, go to Step 7.

If there aren’t any CY awards that have ‘Amended’ in the ‘Award Type’ column, a TC602 manual award notice doesn’t need issuing for any ‘Amended’ awards.

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Step 7

For each CY award that has ‘Amended’ in the ‘Award Type’ column, check if there is a corresponding date in the ‘Issue Date’ column.

Note: If you have identified more than one award that has ‘Amended’ in the ‘Award Type’ column, check each award individually to see if it has a date in the ‘Issue Date’ column.

If there is a corresponding date in the ‘Issue Date’ column, a TC602 manual award notice doesn’t need issuing for any ‘Amended’ awards.

If there isn’t a corresponding date in the ‘Issue Date’ column, go to Step 8.

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Step 8

If the ‘Initial CY’ award was previously identified as an ‘Auto-Renewal’, go to Step 9.

If the ‘Initial CY’ award wasn’t previously identified as an ‘Auto-Renewal’, go to Step 10.

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Step 9

On the ‘Select Award’ screen

  • double click on the ‘Amended’ award that doesn’t have a corresponding date in the ‘Issue Date’ column. You will be taken to the ‘Award Summary’ screen
  • make a note of the Child Tax Credit (CTC) award amount
  • make a note of the Working Tax Credit (WTC) award amount
  • select ‘Cancel’. You will be taken back to the ‘Select Award’ screen
  • double click on the ‘Initial CY’ award
  • make a note of the CTC award amount
  • make a note of the WTC award amount
  • compare the CTC and WTC award amounts for the ‘Amended’ award against those for the ‘Initial CY’ award.

Note: If you have identified more than one ‘Amended’ award that doesn’t have a corresponding date in the ‘Issue Date’ column, check each one individually.

If the ‘Amended’ award amounts and ‘Initial CY’ award amounts are the same, a TC602 manual award notice doesn’t need issuing for the ‘Amended’ award.

If the ‘Amended’ award amounts and ‘Initial CY’ award amounts aren’t the same 

  • check if there are any other ‘Amended’ awards, either before or after the ‘Amended’ award you are looking at, that has a corresponding date in the ‘Issue Date’ column
  • go to Step 10.

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Step 10

If there are any other ‘Amended’ awards (either before or after the ‘Amended’ award you’re looking at) that has a corresponding date in the ‘Issue Date’ column, go to Step 12.

If there aren’t any other ‘Amended’ awards (either before or after the ‘Amended’ award you’re looking at) that has a corresponding date in the ‘Issue Date’ column

  • check Household Notes to check if the ‘Amended’ award has already had a TC602 manual award notice issued. For how to do this, use TCM1000067 
  • go to Step 11.

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Step 11

If the ‘Amended’ award has already had a TC602 manual award notice issued, a TC602 manual award notice doesn’t need issuing for the ‘Amended’ award.

If the ‘Amended’ award hasn’t already had a TC602 manual award notice issued, a TC602 manual award notice does need issuing for the ‘Amended’ award.

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Step 12

On the ‘Select Award’ screen

  • double click on the ‘Amended’ award that doesn’t have a date in the ‘Issue Date’ column. You will be taken to the ‘Award Summary’ screen
  • make a note of the CTC award amount
  • make a note of the WTC award amount
  • select ‘Cancel’. You will be taken back to the ‘Select Award’ screen
  • double click on the ‘Amended’ award that does have a date in the ‘Issue Date’ column. You will be taken to the ‘Award Summary’ screen
  • make a note of the CTC award amount
  • make a note of the WTC award amount
  • compare the CTC and WTC award amounts for both ‘Amended’ awards to check if they are the same.

Note: If you have identified more than one ‘Amended’ award, check each one individually.

If the award amounts for both ‘Amended’ awards are the same, a TC602 manual award notice doesn’t need issuing for the ‘Amended’ award.

If the award amounts for both ‘Amended’ awards aren’t the same

  • check Household Notes to check if the CY award that is ‘Amended’ has already had a TC602 manual award notice issued. For how to do this, use TCM1000067 
  • go to Step 13.

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Step 13

If the CY award that is ‘Amended’ has already had a TC602 manual award notice issued, a TC602 manual award notice doesn’t need issuing for the ‘Amended’ award.

If the CY award that is ‘Amended’ hasn’t already had a TC602 manual award notice issued, a TC602 manual award notice does need issuing for the ‘Amended’ award.