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TCM1000539 - How to clear a case from the Compliance Failures Worklist

Version 1.0

Changes to previous version - new guidance.

Step 1

To process the application with no amendments.

Enter Interim Single Sign On, select the NTC Service and MU number

  • select ‘Worklists’ and ‘Maintain’ to obtain the Compliance Failures Worklist (CFW)
  • select ‘Compliance Failures’ from the drop down menu and the relevant MU number
  • highlight the relevant case on the CFW.
  • select ‘File’
  • select ‘Next Function’
  • highlight ‘Process Compliance Case’
  • select OK
  • select ‘Review Decision’ then ‘Risk Considered - Proceed’
  • enter ‘Risk Cleared’ in the Reason Box.
  • select OK
  • select ‘OK’

The system will then release the application for processing and the entry will automatically be deleted from the CFW.

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Step 2

To process the application with an amendment.

Amend the claim as appropriate using Function ‘Capture Application’

  • using the relevant tabs on the toolbar make the necessary amendments to the claim
  • select the SM tab, enter the appropriate standardised message
  • select ‘Worklists’ and ‘Maintain’ to access the CFW.
  • select the relevant case on the CFW.
  • select ‘File’
  • select ‘Next Function’
  • select ‘Process Compliance Case’
  • select ‘OK’
  • select the ‘Review Decision’ then ‘Risk Considered - Proceed’
  • enter ‘Risk Cleared’ in the Reason box.
  • select ‘OK’
  • select ‘OK’

The entry will automatically be deleted from the CFW.

Where an amendment has been made, the yield should be recorded on CCMIS.