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TCM1000540 - How to open and close a case on CCMIS

Version 1.0

Changes to previous version - new guidance.

Step 1

To open a case

  • open CCMIS system and select ‘Claimant’
  • enter the customers details
  • select ‘Save’
  • select ‘Add Case’
  • enter the appropriate details on the ‘Initials screen’
  • enter the appropriate year of the claim
  • enter the appropriate award status
  • enter claimant 2 details as appropriate
  • enter the appropriate source code
  • enter the appropriate risk code
  • enter the application ID in the NTC application ID field
  • select ‘save’
  • go to the inbox
  • highlight the relevant case in the ‘Cases Pending’ field and assign it to yourself
  • select inbox from the drop down menu
  • select ‘view’
  • select the ‘Interventions Details’ tab
  • enter today’s date in the ‘Interventions Started’ field
  • select ‘Save’

Top of page

Step 2

To close a case

  • open CCMIS system enter the claimant’s NINO in the search field
  • select to view case
  • enter the claimant’s NINO in the search field
  • select to view case
  • select the interventions tab
  • enter the date in the ‘Date Intervention Closed’ field
  • enter the appropriate Household note the ‘Notes’ field
  • if there is yield to record, select the appropriate risk from the drop down ‘Proven Risk’ menu
  • select the ‘Completion Details’ tab
  • tick the closed box
  • select the enter/view adjustments button
  • enter the projected yield
  • select ‘apply’
  • select ‘OK’
  • enter the appropriate reason in the ‘Penalty Details’ field
  • enter the appropriate reason the ‘Settlement Type’ field
  • select ‘Save’