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TCM1000542 - How to print a Subject Access Request

Version 1.0

Changes to previous version - new How to.

Step 1

Note: Carefully read the letter or email from the customer to ensure that it is a Subject Access Request (SAR) and not a part SAR. A part SAR will require only part printing.

Note: You should also check for

  • household breakdown (a dialogue box will appear)
  • compliance interest (a dialogue box will appear)
  • hijack NINO
  • mismatch case.

Note: If the request is for calls and correspondence, only photocopy the correspondence leaving out any third party details.

Note: Before starting, make sure you have a Word document open at the bottom of your screen.

Note: If there is more than one award, you will need to repeat all the steps for each award.

Note: If the case is a household breakdown, ensure all partners change of address, work, bank account details or phone number that occurred after the household breakdown date are removed.

On the ‘Function Menu’

  • select ‘Application’ on the toolbar
  • select ‘View’ from the options available. You will be taken to the ‘Key Entry Data’ screen in function ‘View Application’
  • enter the customer’s NINO
  • select ‘all’
  • select ‘OK’. You will be taken to the ‘Select Application’ screen
  • press ‘Prt Scr’ on your keyboard
  • open your word document from the bottom of your screen
  • select ‘paste’
  • select ‘print’
  • select the cross in the top right hand corner (black cross not red one)
  • select ‘no’
  • select the new document button which can be found on the far left hand button on the toolbar
  • minimise your word document
  • select the earliest award first if there’s more than 1 award
  • select ‘version 1’
  • select ‘print’
  • select the ‘Select’ button then ‘Select Application Version’ from the drop down menu
  • repeat these steps for each version

Note: Once all versions are printed go back in to version 1.


  • select ‘VH’ on the toolbar
  • select print
  • select ‘Ap2’
  • select print
  • select ‘Ch’
  • select print

Note: If there is more than one child, select each child and print details for each.

  • once all pages are printed select ‘Ap1’
  • select the ‘select’ button
  • select ‘Next Version’ from the drop down menu. This will take you to the next version

Note: Repeat the above steps from after ‘select ‘VH’ on the toolbar’ for each version and award.

  • select ‘Cancel’, once completed for each page until you get back to the ‘Function Menu’ page

Note: If more than one award repeat the above steps for each subsequent award


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Step 2

On the ‘Function Menu’

  • select ‘Application’ on the toolbar
  • select ‘Correction’. You will be taken to the ‘Key Entry Data’ screen in function ‘Amend Application’
  • enter the customer’s NINO
  • select ‘all’
  • select ‘OK’.

If you are taken to the ‘Applicant Details’ screen, go to Step 3.

If you are taken to the ‘Select Application’ screen

  • select the earliest year. You will be taken to the ‘Applicant Details’ screen’
  • go to Step 3.

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Step 3

  • select ‘Ap1’
  • select print
  • repeat this action for ‘Ap2’, ‘Ch’, ‘Wk1’, ‘Wk2’, ‘CC’, ‘Inc1’, ‘Inc2’, ‘Pm1’, ‘Pm2’ & ‘ApT’ selecting print on each page
  • go back to ‘Ap1’
  • select ‘History’
  • select the first highlighted heading in the drop down box
  • press ‘Prt Scr’ on your keyboard
  • open your word document from the bottom of your screen
  • select ‘paste’
  • select ‘print’
  • select the cross in the top right hand corner (black cross not red one)


  • select ‘No’
  • select the new document button which can be found on the far left hand button on the toolbar
  • minimise the word document
  • select ‘Cancel’
  • repeat these steps from ‘select the first highlighted heading’ above for each of the headings highlighted in the drop down box
  • repeat this for Applicant 2 and from select history
  • select ‘Ch’ from the toolbar
  • select the first child. This will take you to the ‘Correction Child’ screen
  • press ‘Prt Scr’ on your keyboard
  • open your word document from the bottom of your screen
  • select ‘paste’
  • select ‘print’
  • select the cross in the top right hand corner (black cross not red one)


  • select ‘No’
  • select the new document button which can be found on the far left hand button on the toolbar
  • minimise the word document
  • select ‘Cancel’
  • within the ‘Correction Child’ screen, in turn, place a tick in each available box next to the categories
  • select ‘History’ at the bottom of the screen

Note: If a dialogue box appears, select ‘OK’. You will be taken to the ‘History’ screen.

  • press ‘Prt Scr’ on your keyboard
  • open your word document from the bottom of your screen
  • select ‘paste’
  • select ‘print’
  • select the cross on top right hand corner (black cross not red one)


  • select ‘No’
  • select the new document button which can be found on the far left hand button on the toolbar
  • minimise the word document
  • select ‘Cancel’
  • repeat these steps for each child
  • select ‘Wk1’ from the toolbar
  • select ‘History’
  • select the highlighted headings from the options available. You will be taken to the ‘History’ screen

Note: If a dialogue box appears select ‘OK’.

  • press ‘Prt Scr’ on your keyboard
  • open your word document from the bottom of your screen
  • select ‘paste’
  • select ‘print’
  • select the cross in top right hand corner (black cross not red one)


  • select ‘No’
  • select the new document button which can be found on the far left hand button on the toolbar
  • minimise the word document
  • select ‘Cancel’
  • repeat these steps for each highlighted heading
  • select ‘Wk2’ history and repeat these steps
  • select ‘CC’

Note: If blank there is no childcare provider.

If there isn’t a childcare provider, go to Step 4.

If there is a childcare provider

  • select each in turn which will take you to ‘Change Childcare Provider’
  • press ‘Prt Scr’ on your keyboard
  • open your word document from the bottom of your screen
  • select ‘paste’
  • select ‘print’
  • select the cross in the top right hand corner (black cross not red one)


  • select ‘No’
  • select the new document button which can be found on the far left hand button on the toolbar
  • minimise the word document
  • select ‘Cancel’
  • select each year underneath ‘costs’
  • press ‘Prt Scr’ on your keyboard
  • open your word document from the bottom of your screen
  • select ‘paste’
  • select ‘print’
  • select the cross in the top right hand corner (black cross not red one)


  • select ‘No’
  • select the new document button which can be found on the far left hand button on the toolbar
  • minimise the word document
  • select ‘Cancel’

Note: If there is more than one childcare provider repeat the above steps for each provider.

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Step 4

  • select ‘Inc1’ from the toolbar
  • select ‘History’
  • select the highlighted headings from the options available. You will be taken to the ‘History’ screen

Note: If a dialogue box appears select ‘OK’.

  • press ‘Prt Scr’ on your keyboard
  • open your word document from the bottom of the screen
  • select ‘paste’
  • select ‘print’
  • select the cross in the top right hand corner (black cross not red one)


  • select ‘No’
  • select the new document button which can be found on the far left hand button on the toolbar
  • minimise the word document
  • select ‘Cancel’
  • repeat these steps for each of each highlighted heading
  • select ‘Inc2 History’ and repeat these steps
  • select ‘Cancel’
  • go to Step 5.

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Step 5

On the ‘Function Menu’

  • select ‘Household’ on the toolbar
  • select ‘View Account’ from the options available. You will be taken to the ‘Key Entry Data’ screen
  • enter the customer’s NINO
  • select ‘all’
  • select ‘OK’. You will be taken to the ‘Select Award’ screen
  • press ‘Prt Scr’ on your keyboard
  • open your word document from the bottom of your screen
  • select ‘paste’
  • select ‘print’
  • select the cross in the top right hand corner (black cross not red one)


  • select ‘No’
  • select the new document button which can be found on the far left hand button on the toolbar
  • minimise the word document
  • select ‘Cancel’
  • start with the earliest date and double click. You will be taken to the ‘View Award Period Summary’ screen

Note: Repeat the following steps for all versions of the award

  • select ‘print’
  • select ‘View Award’ at the bottom of the screen. You will be taken to the ‘Award Summary’ screen
  • press ‘Prt Scr’ on your keyboard
  • open your word document from the bottom of your screen
  • select ‘paste’
  • select ‘print’
  • select the cross on the top right hand corner (black cross not red one)


  • select ‘No’
  • select the new document button which can be found on the far left hand button on the toolbar
  • minimise the word document
  • select ‘View Calculation’ at the bottom of the screen. You will be taken to ‘View Calculation’
  • select ‘WORKING TAX CREDIT’ to highlight it
  • select ‘print’
  • select ‘CHILD TAX CREDIT’
  • select ‘print’
  • select ‘View Elements’. You will be taken to the ‘View Elements’ screen
  • press ‘Prt Scr’ on your keyboard
  • open your word document from the bottom of your screen
  • select ‘paste’
  • select ‘print’
  • select the cross in the top right hand corner (black cross not red one)


  • select ‘No’
  • select the new document button which can be found on the far left hand button on the toolbar
  • minimise the word document

then, where ‘View Childcare’ is highlighted at the bottom of the screen

  • select it to highlight it. You will be taken to ‘View Childcare’
  • press ‘Prt Scr’ on your keyboard
  • open your word document from the bottom of your screen
  • select ‘paste’
  • select ‘print’
  • select the cross in the top right hand corner (black cross not red one)


  • select ‘No’
  • select the new document button which can be found on the far left hand button on the toolbar
  • minimise the Word document
  • select ‘Cancel’
  • select ‘Cancel’
  • select ‘View Taper Calcs’. You will be taken to ‘View Taper Calculations’
  • press ‘Prt Scr’ on your keyboard
  • open your word document from the bottom of your screen
  • select ‘paste’
  • select ‘print’
  • select the cross in the top right hand corner (black cross not red one)


  • select ‘No’
  • select the new document button which can be found on the far left hand button on the toolbar
  • minimise the word document.

If there is more than one entry in the first white box

  • highlight and print each in turn
  • go to Step 6. {#}

If there isn’t more than one entry in the first white box, go to Step 6. {#}

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Step 6

  • select ‘Cancel’ three times. You will be taken to ‘View Award Period Summary’
  • select ‘Schedule’ at the bottom of the screen. You will be taken to ‘View Direct Payment’

Note: Do not select Ap1 / Ap2.

  • scroll to the top of the page
  • select ‘print’
  • scroll to the top of the next page
  • select ‘print’
  • continue until finished
  • select ‘View PVE’
  • press ‘Prt Scr’ on your keyboard
  • open your word document from the bottom of your screen
  • select ‘paste’
  • select ‘print’
  • select the cross in the top right hand corner (black cross not red one)


  • select ‘No’
  • select the new document button which can be found on the far left hand button on the toolbar
  • minimise the word document
  • select ‘OK’ if there are no details to display
  • select ‘Cancel’ if there are no PVE details shown
  • repeats these steps for all awards
  • select ‘Cancel’

Note: Remember to repeat the above steps for all versions of the award.


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Step 7

On the ‘Function Menu’

  • select ‘Household’ from the toolbar
  • select ‘Maintain Notes’ from the options available
  • select the customer’s NINO
  • select ‘all’
  • select ‘OK’. You will be taken to ‘Select Household’ screen
  • select the earliest household, if applicable. You will be taken to ‘Maintain Household Notes’
  • select ‘ View Other’ at the bottom of the page if it is highlighted. You will be taken to ‘view other year based notes’

Note: You will need to have been given permission to view this page. If you haven’t make a note on the cover sheet for the person that’s checking it that it will need doing.

  • press ‘Prt Scr’ on your keyboard
  • open your word document at the bottom of your screen
  • select ‘paste’
  • select ‘print’
  • select the cross in the top right hand corner (Black cross not the red one)


  • select ‘No’
  • select the new document button which can be found on the far left hand button on the toolbar
  • minimise the word document
  • where applicable scroll down and repeat this action for each page
  • starting at the bottom, select each note that has a ‘Y’ next to it
  • press ‘Prt Scr’ on your keyboard
  • open your word document at the bottom of your screen
  • select ‘paste’
  • select ‘print’
  • select the cross in the top right hand corner (black cross not red one)


  • select ‘No’
  • select the new document button which can be found on the far left hand button on the toolbar
  • minimise the word document
  • select ‘Cancel’

Note: Repeat this for all notes with a ‘Y’ against it.

  • once completed, select ‘Cancel’. You will be taken to the ‘Maintain Notes’ screen
  • select the drop down arrow next to ‘Select Tax Year End’ and select the earliest year
  • select ‘print’
  • scroll down and print each page if applicable
  • select the note that has a ‘Y’ next to it starting at the bottom
  • select ‘Amend’
  • press ‘Prt Scr’ on your keyboard
  • open your word document from the bottom of your screen
  • select ‘paste’
  • select ‘print’
  • select the cross on the top right hand corner (black cross not red one)


  • select ‘No’
  • select the new document button which can be found on the far left hand button on the toolbar
  • minimise the word document
  • select ‘Cancel’

Note: Repeat this for all notes with a ‘Y’ against it.

Note: Erase any names or staff, buildings or phone numbers.

  • repeat these steps for each year
  • print all notes with a ‘Y’ next to it under ‘Retained Notes’

Note: If more than one award, repeat this for all.

  • select ‘Cancel’


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Step 8

On the ‘Function Menu’

  • select ‘Renewal’ on the toolbar
  • select ‘View S17’ details from the options available. You will be taken to the ‘Key Entry Data’ screen
  • enter the customer’s NINO
  • select ‘all’
  • select ‘OK’. You will be taken to the ‘Select Household’ screen
  • start with the earliest award.

If it says ‘Future Date Issued’ in the ‘Status’ column, take no further action.

If it says ‘Finalised Actual’, ‘Auto Renewal’ or ‘Issued’ in the status column, go to Step 9.

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Step 9

Select the award. If a dialogue box appears, select ‘cancel’. You will be taken to ‘View S17’.

If there aren’t any entries in ‘S17 Notices’ or ‘Declarations’,take no further action.

If there are entries in ‘S17 Notices’ or ‘Declarations’

  • select each entry in turn
  • select the entry
  • press ‘Prt Scr’ on your keyboard
  • open your word document from the bottom of your screen
  • select ‘paste’
  • select ‘print’
  • select the cross in the top right hand corner (black cross not red one)


  • select ‘No’
  • select the new document button which can be found on the far left hand button on the toolbar
  • minimise the word document
  • select ‘Cancel’
  • select ‘Back’
  • repeat these steps until all printed

then once complete

  • select ‘Cancel’
  • select next entry on ‘select household’ page

Note: If the awards change from a joint claim to a single claim, cancel out of the claim and go back in to the single claim

  • repeat above steps until all awards are complete
  • select ‘Cancel’.