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TCM1000612 - How to calculate whether the income figure falls within the RTI daily rate percentage parameter

Step 1

Note: You will be using the income figure obtained from RTI and the income figure obtained from the customers returned IYS17 notice.

  • subtract the IYS17 income figure from the RTI income figure
  • make a note of the figure difference
  • divide this figure by the RTI figure
  • multiply this by 100. This will give you the difference in percentage.

For example: The IYS17 income figure is 8,500. The RTI figure is 12,000. Then 12,000 minus 8,500 equals 3,500. Divide 3,500 by 12,000 and this equals 0.29. Multiply 0.29 by 100 and this gives the percentage difference of 29 percent.

Note: Depending on the parameter obtained from your manager, you can ascertain whether the percentage change is within the agreed parameter.