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TCM1000656 - Check and update customer's contact number

Step 1

Check Household Notes for a previously retained NL20 message.If there is no message, or a message that is more than 6 months old, go to Step 2. Otherwise take no further action.

Step 2

Tell the customer we need to check that we hold the correct mobile number for Applicant 1 as well as their preferred landline number.  If you are speaking to Applicant 2 and they do not know the mobile number for Applicant 1, or they are unwilling to provide it, then take no further action, otherwise, go to Step 3.

Step 3

Update NTC, if applicable, with the correct mobile telephone number for Applicant 1 and the preferred landline number, the mobile telephone number should be entered into the “Daytime number” field on NTC and the customer’s preferred landline number into the “Evening number” field. If different landline numbers already appear in both the Daytime and Evening fields, check with the customer which landline number they want deleting and which they want to nominate as their preferred landline contact number and then update the system as necessary, go to Step 4.

Step 4 {#}

Update Household Notes with the following retained Standardised Message: NL20 - Applicant 1 phone number updated, go to Step 5.

Step 5 {#}

Delete any previous NL20 message.