TFC30000 - Childcare accounts: contents
TFC30100Childcare accounts introduction
TFC30200Childcare account providers
TFC30300Childcare account fees
TFC30400Opening a childcare account
TFC30500More than one eligible person
TFC30600Imposing restrictions on childcare accounts
TFC30700Permitted and prohibited payments from childcare accounts
TFC30800Withdrawals from childcare accounts
TFC30900Refunds of payments from childcare accounts
TFC31000Closure of childcare accounts
TFC31100Recovery of debts from a childcare account
TFC31200Recovery of anything other than a recoverable top-up payment
TFC31300Recovery of a combination of recoverable top-up payments and other amounts
TFC31400Recovery of debts not related to Tax-Free Childcare
TFC31500Recovery of debts owed to HMRC by the holder of an inactive childcare account
TFC31600Order in which payments are taken to discharge debts
TFC31700Relevant debts
TFC31800Set-off against other liabilities to HMRC