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TTOG10010 - Appendix 2: File Layout

Note: Please be aware that some of the screens presented when accessing the relevant electronic folders may be different to that shown below.

Folder Description
A External correspondence - including notes to Operational Leader
B Internal correspondence
C Review papers - including Registration Report, copies of VAT reports and other indirect tax documents
D Documents - evidence or clean copies
E Third party enquiries/Information powers
F FPU Accountant’s papers
G Working papers
H Private side review
I Computations
J Case management. Enquiry Plan, Quarterly reports (self reviews/manager’s reviews), Notes of discussions with manager, Head Office submissions, Referrals for Accountancy/technical advice, including FPU Accountant Customer Agreement, Quality Assurance stencil
X Also, original documents and certificates kept in “Centre” File (held in separate filing range at SI location) Settlement. Computations, Statistical reports, Settlement Report, Payments on Account, Letter of offer (copy in X file, original in “Centre” file), Letter of acceptance, SAFE documentation, Certificates (eg Statement of Assets and Liabilities, Statement of Bank/Building Society accounts, Certificate of Full Disclosure) (copy in X file, original in “Centre” file), Post settlement correspondence including closing memos to other operational units