Updates: Technical Teams Operational Guidance
Appendices: Appendix 3 - Registration Report
direction to investigators to use the templates in one note or policy and process caf. This appendix is under review and further changes will be made shortly once decision on appendices is confirmed.
Case identification: type of case: investigation cases
reminder to complete caseflow free text box to record reference number of the 'master' registration report.
reminder to complete caseflow free text box to record reference number of the 'master' registration report.
Case identification: type of case: investigation cases
For clarity on who signs off of registration report - "Team leader" has been changed to "authorised officer" New bullet point added to ensure consistency and accountability when multiple cases are adopted under a single registration report
Case identification: basic principles: fraud
HumInt link updated
Technical Teams Operational Guidance: recent changes
Page archived
Technical Team Operational Guidance: recent changes
Page archived
Technical Teams Operational Guidance: recent changes
Page archived
Technical Team Operational Guidance: update index
Page archived
Case closure: investigation cases: recording settlement value
Add assurance sign off
Appendix 10: Certificate of bank accounts operated
removal of form
Appendix 11: Certificate of credit/debit cards operated
removal of form
Case review and registration: registering the right cases: submissions and self generated cases
Updating details to refer cases through the Suspected Fraud Identification Process instead of the ERP.
Appendix 13: Bank mandate (individual)
updated form
Appendix 20 - FIU POCA search request stencil
Amended template
Appendix 21 - FIU POCA search request stencil - continuation
page archived
Links to TTOG10105 Appendix 21 archived
addition of TTOG5250 to index
Case review and registration: registering the right cases: submissions and self generated cases
updated terms for compliance areas
name changes for internal teams and processes
Settling the enquiry: general: contents
new content added: TTOG5250