TTOG2240 - Case identification: type of case: investigation cases
The investigation case is the form by which FIS Technical teams records cases in their primary work areas where it has been decided to initiate an investigation into a defined person (or persons) under a Code of Practice.
Some of the key points of what must be done before a case can have its profile changed to registration to Code 8 or 9 are:
- new cases are registered to an Investigator
- the Investigator must prepare a Registration Report, update Caseflow, search the FIS database (This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000)
- team Leaders have to approve the change of profile to 'investigation' from 'review'
- exceptionally a Team Leader may wish to register an investigation case to him/herself or take over a working case. The Assistant Director must approve any such cases, and will perform the function of Team Leader on them
- there may be circumstances where extensive review work is undertaken before it can be ascertained whether or not a case merits registration as an investigation case. Once it becomes clear that a case is suitable for registration then the Investigator should put it forward to the Authorising Officer immediately with the Registration Report for registration
- once a case has been registered as an investigation case all of the case control and closure procedures in Caseflow must be followed
- Each case designated for investigation must have an approved Registration Report prior to adoption, regardless of the case type, working methodology, or referral pathway. In exceptional circumstances, where it is necessary to adopt multiple cases under a single Registration Report Prior approval and sign-off from the Director are required to justify use of this exception and must be recorded and filed in the case folder of each respective case
- For linked cases, the investigator must use the free text box in caseflow to record the caseflow reference number of the lead case associated with the registration report.