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TTOG4550 - Investigation work: Disclosure Report examination: examining the disclosure report: exercise of judgement by Investigator examining Disclosure Report

In every case of disclosed irregularities there is the possibility of other matters which have been overlooked or suppressed and so judgement must be exercised.

Matters to be tested are dependent on the facts of each case but may include:

  • checking the accuracy of certified statements of assets and of bank etc. accounts operated by third party investigation
  • analysing and summarising bank accounts by reference to paying-in books, cheque counterfoils and other available information
  • identifying the purchase and sale of investments
  • reconciling investment income to known investments and vice versa
  • tracing known items of income and expenditure (as a check on undisclosed bank accounts). The payment of credit card bills is often a fruitful area of investigation.
  • confirming the nature of any substantial bank lodgements or payments which remain unidentified
  • comparing amounts available for living and personal expenses with known lifestyle
  • drawing up a running cash account
  • drawing up yearly means tests or capital statements
  • checking specific explanations in the report such as major gambling wins, money from abroad, cash loans received, etc
  • undertaking, usually with SI Accountants assistance, a business side examination.

It is essential that inexperienced Investigators get guidance from the Team Leader in this area as investigation is costly in time. Nothing should be done simply for the sake of it. Everything should be focused on the requirements of the case.