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TSI008300 - Requirements of Temporary Storage facility: Risks within Temporary Storage

The following is a list of some of the risk areas for goods in temporary storage:

  • substitution, extraction or alteration of goods moving under Union Transit or TIR procedures
  • incorrect information in Union Transit/TIR declarations
  • declarations of incorrect status of goods
  • consignment information not fully recorded in the operator’s records
  • consignment information not recorded at the right time in the operator’s records
  • unauthorised removal of goods
  • storage of un-manifested goods
  • storage of ineligible goods
  • excessive journey times between departure from the port/airport and arrival at the temporary storage premises
  • failure to complete movement to temporary storage (whether or not an entry is subsequently submitted)
  • unauthorised access to goods whilst in temporary storage
  • goods subject to checks by other agencies at the place of importation for example veterinary checks on animal products that are removed inland to an ETSF without permission of the relevant agency
  • failure to present goods and or lodge import and export documents