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TSI008350 - Requirements of a Temporary Storage facility: Breaches of Temporary Storage conditions

Failure to adhere to any, or part, of the approval terms and conditions may render The Operator liable to Customs Civil Penalty Action.

Serious or repeated breaches of approval terms and conditions and/or operating or attempting to operate, or collusion with deliberate, non-compliant activity(s) will also render The Operator subject to Customs Civil Penalty [CCP] action, which may also include suspension and/or revocation of their approval. CCP action and/or proven non-compliant activity could also have a detrimental impact upon any economic operators AEO approval.

BF detect the non-compliance in temporary storage facilities they control. Non-compliance is then reported to the HMRC CCP Team, who consider the evidence provided and issue the CCP warning or fine. HMRC’S centralised CP Team notify the relevant teams of any breaches.