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TSI008450 - Requirements of Temporary Storage facility: What constitutes a secure area

A secure area must be provided for the storage of any prohibited goods that have been detected.

Prohibited goods refers to goods that cannot be imported. In some cases, there may be limited circumstances, known as “derogations” where prohibited goods can be imported. Any derogations from a prohibition will be listed in the GB tariff.

The meaning of a secure area (known as an ‘Ullage cage) is a secure, lockable compartment/area for the detention and or seizure of any un-manifested, prohibited, suspicious or detained goods subject to GB customs authority investigation. The secure area must be in the physical confines of the outlined approved facility.

Any goods which arrive into a temporary storage facility which are un-manifested or ‘over shipped’ should be placed into the secure area, logged and reported to the customs authorities and stay their pending the arrival of the required ‘paperwork’ and or date to support the goods being in the GB/EU. If operated correctly, having goods placed and duly recorded into the cage may exonerate the Operator from potential non-compliance CCP action and or approval revocation.

The condition for a secure area does not specify a minimum or maximum size nor its physical structure other than that it must satisfy the Supervising Officer that it is a secure facility, proportionate taking into account the needs of the commercial operation and that access capability is restricted.