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TPD3200 - Registration: Requests to vary a registration

A trader must at any time after the premises have been registered, give notification if he intends to extend or reduce the extent of the registered premises or if he intends to alter the security arrangements. Regulation 7(3) of the “Tobacco Products Regulations 2001” requires that he give at least 30 days notice of his intentions. The trader must also give 7 days notice of alterations to the times when the premises are open (regulation 7(2) of the “Tobacco Products Regulations 2001”).The trader should also advise the Excise Processing Team well in advance of any other intended changes, for example to his computer systems, which may affect the registration of the premises.

The purpose of this requirement is to give you time to consider what, if any, impact the proposed changes will have on the terms of the registration and to allow you to discuss any revised or additional conditions.

The Excise Processing Team should ask the relevant control/assurance/excise team to check why the variation to the registration is sought, what impact it has on control resources and that there are no untoward revenue consequences. If there is no objection to the change the EPT should issue a letter varying the registration.

A pro-forma variation letter can be found in TPD3290. The variation letter must contain details of the premises registered and details of the variation that has been allowed, as well as any additional conditions applying to the variation. If the variation granted has the effect of extending or reducing the extent of the registered premises, the change must be clearly identified on an attached plan of the premises that are registered as a factory or store. Areas unconnected with production or storage should be excluded from the altered registration.

Copies of the variation letter should be sent to the Regional Risk Team, the National Tobacco Team (or Excise Local Compliance Team responsible for the manufacturer concerned) and the Tobacco Policy Team, Ralli Quays, Manchester.

Further advice is given in the procedure table which can be found in section TPD3240 of this guidance