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TPD3000 - Registration: Contents

  1. TPD3010
    The Law: TPDA and TPR
  2. TPD3020
    Limitation of storage of UK tobacco product, intended for home-use, to registered stores
  3. TPD3030
    Policy and conditions applying to leased premises
  4. TPD3040
    Law and policy on 'open air' stores
  5. TPD3050
    Conditions that apply to premises registered as 'open air' stores
  6. TPD3060
    Electronic removal in 'open air' stores
  7. TPD3070
    'Whole site' registrations
  8. TPD3080
    Multiple and concurrent registrations of same premises
  9. TPD3090
    Law and policy on leaf stores
  10. TPD3100
    Policy on 'dual approval' of premises as both a registered store and an excise warehouse
  11. TPD3110
    Policy and conditions applying to the registration of part premises as a registered store
  12. TPD3120
    Policy on storage of non-excisable ('innocent') goods
  13. TPD3130
    Conditions to be met before you register premises as a factory or a store
  14. TPD3140
    The general conditions which apply to registered premises
  15. TPD3150
    Conditions which apply to the use of computer records
  16. TPD3160
    Application for the registration of premises
  17. TPD3170
    Issuing of registration letters
  18. TPD3180
    Application to register factories by persons who do not already occupy a registered factory
  19. TPD3190
    Biennial review of registration letters
  20. TPD3200
    Requests to vary a registration
  21. TPD3210
    Requests by trader to de-register premises
  22. TPD3220
    Revocation of registrations
  23. TPD3230
    Procedure Table: New applications for registration of tobacco premises
  24. TPD3240
    Procedure Table: Variations to existing registrations of tobacco premises
  25. TPD3250
    Procedure Table: Deregistration of tobacco premises
  26. TPD3260
    Pro-forma Letter A - Registration of a factory
  27. TPD3270
    Pro-forma Letter B - Registration of a store
  28. TPD3280
    Pro-forma Letter C - Rejection of an application for the registraion of a factory
  29. TPD3290
    Pro-forma letter D - Variation of a registration of a factory or store
  30. TPD3300
    Pro-forma letter E - Rejection of an application for the variation of a factory or store
  31. TPD3310
    Pro-forma letter F - Cancellation of a registration of a factory or store