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TTTC2100 - Registration process for UK tobacco track and trace

Businesses involved in the supply chain of tobacco products - currently cigarettes and hand rolling tobacco, but extending to all other tobacco products from May 2024 are required to register with the UK ID issuer. This includes those who:

  • Manufacture or import
  • Store or sell to trade/public
  • Transport
  • Transload (move from one vehicle to another)

The UK ID issuer is Dentsu Tracking.

Businesses need to access and create an account on the UK Tobacco Track and Trace system 

Once registered with the UK ID issuer, the business may obtain:

  • aggregate and unit UK unique identifier (UIDs) for their tobacco products if they are a manufacturer or importer
  • an economic operator ID (EOID)
  • facility IDs (FID) for all premises where they manufacture, store or sell their products
  • machine IDs (MID) for all machines used in the manufacturing process.