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TTTC2150 - Operation of the UK tobacco track and trace system

All tobacco products which are manufactured, imported, or distributed for supply to the UK market, must have a unique identifier (UID) associated with the product.  

Goods are to be scanned at the point of arrival and dispatch to/from each facility in the supply chain up to the first retail outlet. 

Goods are to be scanned when transferring from one vehicle to another, without entering a facility (transloading).

Businesses must also transmit information relating to payments and invoices whenever ownership of tobacco products changes.

Information relating to the following product movements must be reported to the UK data repository:

  • Application of unit level UIDs on unit packets
  • Application of aggregated level UIDs on aggregated packaging
  • Dispatch of tobacco products from a facility
  • Arrival of tobacco products at a facility
  • Trans-loading
  • Disaggregation of aggregated level UIDs
  • Report of delivery carried out by a vending van to a retail outlet

The following transactional information must also be reported to the system:

  • Issuing of the invoice
  • Issuing of the order number
  • Receipt of the payment

Businesses must ensure that the information transmitted to the UK data repository is correct. For example, when purchasing products from a wholesaler, a business must provide the wholesaler with their correct EOID and FID.