Updates: VAT Default Interest Manual
Introduction: Where to go for advice
Information about the VAT mainframe retirement added
How to inhibit, amend or withdraw interest: Amending interest after an assessment has been processed
Link to VDIM1040 added
Circumstances affecting default interest: Manual calculation of interest
Link to VDIM1040 added
Circumstances affecting default interest: Pre-repayment credibility queries
Link to VDIM1040 added
Management information prints: D1684 Notification of appeals indicator set or lifted
Information about retired systems added
Management information prints: D1688 Notification of officers assessments issued
Link to VDIM1040 added
Reviews and appeals: Use of the VAT647 to lift the appeals indicator.
Link to VDIM1040 added
Calculation of interest: The reckonable date
Link to VDIM1040 added
Calculation of interest: The issue date
Link to VDIM1040 added
Calculation of interest: How to access and read an Interest Calculation Record (ICR)
Link to VDIM1040 added
Calculation of interest: Overview of interest procedures
Link to VDIM1040 added
Interest adjustments: contents
Link to VDIM1040 added
Interest adjustment: Processing Form VAT663
Link to VDIM1040 added
Interest adjustment: VISION option to calculate interest
Link to VDIM1040 added
When to inhibit, amend or withdraw interest: content
Link to VDIM1040 added
When to inhibit, amend or withdraw interest: discretion to inhibit interest
Link to VDIM1040 added
First paragraph amended
Introduction: Who is this guidance for
First paragraph amended
Introduction: What is default interest
First paragraph amended
Introduction: Where to go for advice
First paragraph amended
The law and legal powers: The law supporting default interest
First paragraph amended
The law and legal powers: Establishing liability to interest
First paragraph amended
The law and legal powers: Reckonable dates
First paragraph amended
The law and legal powers: 3 year limit of interest
First paragraph amended
The law and legal powers: Discretion to assess interest or not
First paragraph amended
The law and legal powers: Time limits for assessing interest
First paragraph amended
The law and legal powers: The 2 year time limit to assess further interest
First paragraph amended
Commercial restitution: General principles
First paragraph amended
Commercial restitution: Whether to charge interest or not
First paragraph amended
Commercial restitution: Assessments which represent commercial restitution in part
First paragraph amended
Commercial restitution: Assessments in respect of exports and removals to other EU countries
First paragraph amended
Commercial restitution: Differences in stagger or return length between taxpayers
First paragraph amended
Calculating Liability: Confirming the liability
First paragraph amended
Calculating liability: Amount liable to interest
First paragraph amended
Calculating liability: Over declarations
First paragraph amended
Calculating liability: Recovery assessments
First paragraph amended
Calculation of interest: contents
First paragraph amended
Calculation of interest: Rates of interest
First paragraph amended
Calculation of interest: The interest span
First paragraph amended
Calculation of interest: The reckonable date
First paragraph amended
Calculation of interest: The end date
First paragraph amended
Calculation of interest: Setting the calculation date
First paragraph amended
Calculation of interest: The issue date
First paragraph amended
Calculation of interest: The interest calculation formula
First paragraph amended
Calculation of interest: Further interest
First paragraph amended
Calculation of interest: De minimis limit
First paragraph amended
Calculation of interest: Interest Calculation Record
First paragraph amended
Calculation of interest: How to access and read an Interest Calculation Record (ICR)
First paragraph amended
Calculation of interest: Interest calculation record codes
First paragraph amended
Calculation of interest: Interest bearing tax payments
First paragraph amended
Calculation of interest: Overview of interest procedures
First paragraph amended
Interest adjustments: contents
First paragraph amended
Interest adjustments: Functions of Form VAT663
First paragraph amended
Interest adjustments: When to use Form VAT663
First paragraph amended
Interest adjustments: Completion of Form VAT663
First paragraph amended
Interest adjustments: Countersigning Form VAT663
First paragraph amended
Interest adjustment: Processing Form VAT663
First paragraph amended
Interest adjustment: After input of Form VAT663
First paragraph amended
Interest adjustment: VISION option to calculate interest
First paragraph amended
When to inhibit, amend or withdraw interest: content
First paragraph amended
When to inhibit, amend or withdraw interest: discretion to inhibit interest
First paragraph amended
When to inhibit, amend or withdraw interest: Commercial restitution
First paragraph amended
When to inhibit, amend or withdraw interest: Appeals
First paragraph amended
When to inhibit, amend or withdraw interest: Computer distortions
First paragraph amended
When to inhibit, amend or withdraw interest: Misappropriation of remittances
First paragraph amended
When to inhibit, amend or withdraw interest: Complicated retrospective agreements
First paragraph amended
When to inhibit, amend or withdraw interest: Actual issue date is after issue date on VISION
First paragraph amended
When to inhibit, amend or withdraw interest: Postal delays
First paragraph amended
When to inhibit, amend or withdraw interest: VAT returns provided at visit
First paragraph amended
When to inhibit, amend or withdraw interest: Departmental delay
First paragraph amended
When to inhibit, amend or withdraw interest: The two year time limit
First paragraph amended
When to inhibit, amend or withdraw interest: Bulk assessments
First paragraph amended
When to inhibit, amend or withdraw interest: VAT assessments involving suspected fraud
First paragraph amended
When to inhibit, amend or withdraw interest: When interest is not appropriate
First paragraph amended
How to inhibit, amend or withdraw interest: contents
First paragraph amended
How to inhibit, amend or withdraw interest: Introduction
First paragraph amended
First paragraph amended
How to inhibit, amend or withdraw interest: Inhibiting or withdrawing interest on an assessment
First paragraph amended
How to inhibit, amend or withdraw interest: Setting an inhibit after an assessment is processed
First paragraph amended
How to inhibit, amend or withdraw interest: Amending interest after an assessment has been processed
First paragraph amended
Circumstances affecting default interest: contents
First paragraph amended
Circumstances affecting default interest: Transfer of a going concern
First paragraph amended
Circumstances affecting default interest: Deregistration
First paragraph amended
Circumstances affecting default interest: Insolvency
First paragraph amended
Circumstances affecting default interest: Informal insolvency
First paragraph amended
Circumstances affecting default interest: Redundant registrations
First paragraph amended
Circumstances affecting default interest: Manual calculation of interest
First paragraph amended
Circumstances affecting default interest: Withdrawing or reducing interest
First paragraph amended
Circumstances affecting default interest: Pre-repayment credibility queries
First paragraph amended
Circumstances affecting default interest: Bulk period assessments
First paragraph amended
Circumstances affecting default interest: Long first period returns
First paragraph amended
Notices: Notifying the taxpayer
First paragraph amended
Notices: Notices of further interest - use of VAT658
First paragraph amended
Notices: Notice of further interest - use of VAT659
First paragraph amended
Management information prints: Note for managers
First paragraph amended
Management information prints: D1686 Change of interest notification
First paragraph amended
Management information prints: D1688 Notification of officers assessments issued
First paragraph amended
Reviews and appeals: What in law may be appealed
First paragraph amended
First paragraph amended
Review and appeals: Suspending interest under appeal
First paragraph amended
Reviews and appeals: Reasons why a taxpayer might appeal
First paragraph amended
Reviews and appeals: Use of the VAT647 to lift the appeals indicator.
First paragraph amended
Reviews and appeals: interest following HMRC's success at tribunal
First paragraph amended
New text added to the page
Introduction: Who is this guidance for
Two new paragraphs added at the top of the page
Introduction: What is default interest
Two new paragraphs added at the top of the page
Introduction: Where to go for advice
Two new paragraphs added at the top of the page
The law and legal powers: The law supporting default interest
Two new paragraphs added at the top of the page
The law and legal powers: Establishing liability to interest
Two new paragraphs added at the top of the page
The law and legal powers: Reckonable dates
Two new paragraphs added at the top of the page
The law and legal powers: 3 year limit of interest
Two new paragraphs added at the top fo the page
The law and legal powers: Discretion to assess interest or not
Two new paragraphs added at the top of the page
The law and legal powers: Time limits for assessing interest
Two new paragraphs added at the top of the page
The law and legal powers: The 2 year time limit to assess further interest
Two new paragraphs added at the top of the page
Commercial restitution: General principles
Two new paragraphs added at the top of the page
Commercial restitution: Whether to charge interest or not
Two new paragraphs added at the top of the page
Commercial restitution: Assessments which represent commercial restitution in part
Two new paragraphs added at the top of the page
Commercial restitution: Assessments in respect of exports and removals to other EU countries
Two new paragraphs added at the top of the page
Commercial restitution: Differences in stagger or return length between taxpayers
Two new paragraphs added at the top of the page
Calculating Liability: Confirming the liability
Two new paragraphs added at the top of the page
Calculating liability: Amount liable to interest
Two new paragraphs added at the top of the page
Calculating liability: Over declarations
Two new paragraphs added at the top of the page
Calculating liability: Recovery assessments
Two new paragraphs added at the top of the page
Calculation of interest: contents
New text added to the page
Calculation of interest: Rates of interest
Two new paragraphs added at the top of the page
Calculation of interest: The interest span
Two new paragraphs added at the top of the page
Calculation of interest: The reckonable date
Two new paragraphs added at the top of the page
Calculation of interest: The end date
Two new paragraphs added at the top of the page
Calculation of interest: Setting the calculation date
Two new paragraphs added at the top of the page
Calculation of interest: The issue date
Two new paragraphs added at the top of the page
Calculation of interest: The interest calculation formula
Two new paragraphs added at the top of the page
Calculation of interest: Further interest
Two new paragraphs added at the top of the page
Calculation of interest: De minimis limit
Two new paragraphs added at the top of the page
Calculation of interest: Interest Calculation Record
Two new paragraphs added at the top of the page
Calculation of interest: How to access and read an Interest Calculation Record (ICR)
Two new paragraphs added at the top of the page
Calculation of interest: Interest calculation record codes
Two new paragraphs added at the top of the page
Calculation of interest: Interest bearing tax payments
Two new paragraphs added at the top of the page
Calculation of interest: Overview of interest procedures
Two new paragraphs added at the top of the page
Interest adjustments: contents
New text added to the page
Interest adjustments: Functions of Form VAT663
Two new paragraphs added at the top of the page
Interest adjustments: When to use Form VAT663
Two new paragraphs added at the top of the page
Interest adjustments: Completion of Form VAT663
Two new paragraphs added at the top of the page
Interest adjustments: Countersigning Form VAT663
Two new paragraphs added at the top of the page
Interest adjustment: Processing Form VAT663
Two new paragraphs added at the top of the page
Interest adjustment: After input of Form VAT663
Two new paragraphs added at the top of the page
Interest adjustment: VISION option to calculate interest
Two new paragraphs added at the top of the page
When to inhibit, amend or withdraw interest: content
New text added to the page
When to inhibit, amend or withdraw interest: discretion to inhibit interest
Two new paragraphs added at the top of the page
When to inhibit, amend or withdraw interest: Commercial restitution
Two new praagraphs added at the top of the page
When to inhibit, amend or withdraw interest: Appeals
Two new paragraphs added at the top of the page
When to inhibit, amend or withdraw interest: Computer distortions
Two new paragraphs added at the top of the page
When to inhibit, amend or withdraw interest: Misappropriation of remittances
Two new paragraphs added at the top of the page
When to inhibit, amend or withdraw interest: Complicated retrospective agreements
Two new paragraphs added at the top of the page
When to inhibit, amend or withdraw interest: Actual issue date is after issue date on VISION
Two new paragraphs added at the top of the page
When to inhibit, amend or withdraw interest: Postal delays
Two new paragraphs added at the top of the page
When to inhibit, amend or withdraw interest: VAT returns provided at visit
Two new paragraphs added at the top of the page
When to inhibit, amend or withdraw interest: Departmental delay
Two new paragraphs added at the top of the page
When to inhibit, amend or withdraw interest: The two year time limit
Two new paragraphs added at the top of the page
When to inhibit, amend or withdraw interest: Bulk assessments
Two new paragraphs added at the top of the page
When to inhibit, amend or withdraw interest: VAT assessments involving suspected fraud
Two new paragraphs added at the top of the page
When to inhibit, amend or withdraw interest: When interest is not appropriate
Two new paragraphs added at the top of the page
How to inhibit, amend or withdraw interest: contents
New text added to the page
How to inhibit, amend or withdraw interest: Introduction
Two new paragraphs added at the top of the page
Two new paragraphs added at the top of the page
How to inhibit, amend or withdraw interest: Inhibiting or withdrawing interest on an assessment
Two new paragraphs added at the top of the page
How to inhibit, amend or withdraw interest: Setting an inhibit after an assessment is processed
Two new paragraphs added at the top of the page
How to inhibit, amend or withdraw interest: Amending interest after an assessment has been processed
Two new paragraphs added at the top of the page
Circumstances affecting default interest: contents
New text added to the page
Circumstances affecting default interest: Transfer of a going concern
Two new paragraphs added at the top of the page
Circumstances affecting default interest: Deregistration
Two new paragraphs added at the top of the page
Circumstances affecting default interest: Insolvency
Two new paragraphs added at the top of the page
Circumstances affecting default interest: Informal insolvency
Two new paragraphs added at the top of the page
Circumstances affecting default interest: Redundant registrations
Two new paragraphs added at the top of the page
Circumstances affecting default interest: Manual calculation of interest
Two new paragraphs added at the top of the page
Circumstances affecting default interest: Withdrawing or reducing interest
Two new paragraphs added at the top of the page
Circumstances affecting default interest: Pre-repayment credibility queries
Two new paragraphs added at the top of the page
Circumstances affecting default interest: Bulk period assessments
Two new paragraphs added at the top of the page
Circumstances affecting default interest: Long first period returns
Two new paragraphs added at the top of the page
Notices: Notifying the taxpayer
Two new paragraphs added at the top of the page
Notices: Notices of further interest - use of VAT658
Two new paragraphs added at the top of the page
Notices: Notice of further interest - use of VAT659
Two new paragraphs added at the top of the page
Management information prints: Note for managers
Two new paragraphs added at the top of the page
Management information prints: D1686 Change of interest notification
Two new paragraphs added at the top of the page
Management information prints: D1688 Notification of officers assessments issued
Two new paragraphs added at the top of the page
Reviews and appeals: What in law may be appealed
Two new paragraphs added at the top of the page
Two new paragrphs added at the top of the page
Review and appeals: Suspending interest under appeal
Two new paragraphs added at the top of the page
Reviews and appeals: Reasons why a taxpayer might appeal
Two new paragraphs added at the top of the page
Reviews and appeals: Use of the VAT647 to lift the appeals indicator.
Two new paragraphs added at the top of the page
Reviews and appeals: interest following HMRC's success at tribunal
Two new paragraphs added at the top of the page
Calculation of interest: The interest calculation formula
Spelling error corrected
Calculating liability: Over declarations
First paragraph amended
Introduction: Where to go for advice
Guidance entirely amended
Minor reformatting
Minor reformatting
Review and appeals: Suspending interest under appeal
Second paragraph amended
When to inhibit, amend or withdraw interest: Appeals
Second to last paragraph amended
Reviews and appeals: Reasons why a taxpayer might appeal
Final paragraph amended
Reviews and appeals: Use of the VAT647 to lift the appeals indicator.
Second paragraph amended
The law and legal powers: The 2 year time limit to assess further interest
Amendments made throughout the page
Circumstances affecting default interest: Pre-repayment credibility queries
Guidance entirely re-written
Commercial restitution: General principles
Final bullet point amended
Interest adjustment: Processing Form VAT663
Address amended and final sentence amended to '451INDEX'
Circumstances affecting default interest: contents
New page VDIM9025 added to the contents page