VEXP110000 - Assurance procedures: Contents
The subsections to this section may contain guidance that is out of date, for example references to CHIEF, NES and MSS. This is currently under review and will be updated in due course.
VEXP110010Aims and objectives of assurance
VEXP110015Pre-intervention preparation - overview of export procedures
VEXP110020Management support system (MSS)
VEXP110025The assurance intervention
VEXP110030Evidence of export and removal and time limits
VEXP110035What to look for under direct and indirect exports
VEXP110040Official evidence
VEXP110045Commercial evidence
VEXP110050Common documents used in export procedures
VEXP110055Evidence of removal to another Member State
VEXP110060Ex-works transactions involving consolidation
VEXP110065Sampling the trader's export and intra-EU transactions
VEXP110070The mechanics of raising an assessment
VEXP110075Penalties and interest implications
VEXP110080Checking supplementary records
VEXP110085Post-intervention action
VEXP110090MSS Standard Export Report details
VEXP110095MSS aide memoire for VAT assurance staff
VEXP110100Master Air Waybill
VEXP110200House Air Waybill