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VEXP110090 - Assurance procedures: MSS Standard Export Report details

This MSS report is available to Businesses contracted to receive them.

MSS reports can provide a useful assurance tool as explained in VEXP110020.

The information recorded under each column heading of the report is explained in the table below.

Report heading Description
Exporter The exporter’s 12 digit TURN (Trader’s Unique Reference Number) which is usually the trader’s 9-digit VAT number with a 3-digit suffix.
EPU Three digit code identifying the Entry Processing Unit. Code ‘555’ indicates that the declaration was submitted via the internet.
Entry No The entry reference number, consisting of an alpha character, 5 numeric characters and an alpha check digit suffix
Entry date The date and on which the entry received an acceptance response from CHIEF and was assigned an Entry Number
Declarant This can be the Exporter if the declaration is submitted by the exporter. Otherwise it is the TURN of the agent authorised by the Exporter or Consignor to act as the representative for the consignment and to ‘declare the goods’ on the export entry.
Entry type A one alpha character indicating the Entry Type. ‘X’ indicates a full SAD, ‘D’ a Simplified Procedures pre-shipment advice and ‘Z’ a Simplified Procedures Supplementary Declaration. These fields may need to be read in conjunction with the ‘ICS’ and/or ‘SOE’ fields
Consignee Textual data comprising the first 18 characters of the Consignee’s name as input to CHIEF. This field is not validated on input to CHIEF.
Decln Udr (Declaration UCR) The Declaration Unique Consignment Reference for the goods as declared to or generated by CHIEF according to conditions specified in the HMRC Tariff.
Declarant Ref (Declarant Reference) This is a reference assigned by the Declarant for the goods covered by the declaration.
Dest Ctry (Country of Destination) The two-digit code that represents the country that is the ultimate destination of the goods.
Pla Ldg (Place of Loading) The (intended or actual) departure location of the export consignment.
Gds Locn (Goods Location) The code for the place where the goods are present, if not the Place of Loading.
ICS (Clearance Status) This field reflects the ‘clearance status’ of the goods and has special implications for Exports. ICS 60 indicates that a specific departure message was received from CHIEF recording that the goods had departed. For these declarations a specific ‘Goods Departure Date’ should be present. ICS 61 indicates that no specific departure message was received from CHIEF but that the goods are assumed to have departed. For these declarations there is normally no ‘Goods Departure Date’ present. - if one is present it is an expected departure date entered at the time that the declaration was created, not necessarily the actual departure date. For full SAD declarations ICS 50 indicates that permission to progress has been given but that the no actual or assumed departure has yet taken place. However, for Supplementary Declarations made under simplified procedures ICS 50 is the final status - 60 or 61 do not appear in connection with these declarations. Because these declarations are made after the goods have been exported the ‘Goods Departure Date’ field is likely to precede the date of the declaration.
Soe (Status of Entry) Soe is in many ways similar to ‘ICS’ but is less detailed - Soe ‘8’ indicates ‘Departed’, for example, but does not differentiate between notified and assumed departures (ICS 60 and 61). Soe ‘D’, however, has a particular significance. It indicates a declaration that has been withdrawn or returned to the place of origin without being exported.
P2P Date (Permission to Progress Date) This is the date that Permission to Progress was given by Customs and is the basis on which the MSS Export Report has been run. It has a similar function to the ‘Clearance Date’ in Imports but with the important difference that it does not actually provide confirmation that export of the goods has taken place.
Gds Dep Dt (Goods Departure Date) If the ICS field for the Item is ‘60’ this field should be present and should record the date that a departure message was received by CHIEF. If the ICS code is anything other than ‘60’ the field may not be present; if it is present it will record an expected date of departure keyed at the time of input to CHIEF. Only in association with ICS ‘60’ does this field contain reliable evidence of exportation of the goods.
Item No (Item Number) The number of the Item to which the report line refers. There can be up to 99 items per declaration
Cmdty Code (Commodity Code) A Commodity Code that identifies the type of goods according to the HMRC Tariff. This is normally eight digits in length for exports.
CPC The six-digit Customs Procedure Code that applies to exportations declared on a SAD
Stat Crrn (Statistical Currency) The currency code used to declare the Statistical Value of the goods.
Item Stat Val (Decl) The Statistical Value of the goods in the currency declared.
Item Stat Value(STERL) The Statistical Value of the goods converted to sterling.
Item Net Mass The net mass in kilograms of the goods declared.
Item Supp Units (Item Supplementary Units) The commodity code may require a second declaration quantity. If so it appears here in whatever form the Tariff requires - it can be pairs, items, litres, dozens etc.
Tdrnameall (Available only on regular monthly reports) The Name of the Declarant as currently held in CHIEF Standing Data
Tdrpostcode (Available only on regular monthly reports) The Postcode of the Declarant as currently held in CHIEF Standing Data