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FHDDS32310 - Approval, revoking the approval and variations: approval – Fit and proper test: applications from Authorised Economic Operators – process

Having AEO status does not give an FHDDS applicant automatic rights. However, it is expected that if an approved AEO applies then this will be taken into account when making decisions about the FHDDS application.

If you are managing an application from an existing AEO you will find an indicator from RIS in the case package. You will also find an indicator if there is a live application for AEO.

At an early stage in your application review you must contact the AEO Central Site to confirm if:

  • the AEO approval still active
  • there a live AEO compliance event for the applicant (obtain details of the allocated officer)
  • there are any outstanding compliance issues that impact on the actions or decisions you would take regarding the FHDDS application?

If the AEOCS advise that there is a current intervention then you must contact the allocated officer to discuss the current position and agree next steps. It is expected that you will work in collaboration to progress required actions in the most effective manner.