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VATGPB5310 - Police authorities: summary of activities: liabilities A to B

Activity Business (B) or Non-business (N) Rate: Standard (S), Zero (Z) or Exempt (E)
Abandoned vehicles and property (disposal of) B S
Abnormal loads (escort of) N -
Accommodation See : ‘Education & Training’ (VATGPB5330) and ‘Housing’ (VATGPB5340) See : ‘Education & Training’ (VATGPB5330) and ‘Housing’ (VATGPB5340)
ACPO (Association of Chief Police Officers): - -
ACPO Conference N -
receipt of Police Authority grants N -
recharge of payroll N -
miscellaneous income B S
royalties B S
secondments of staff to ACPO See ‘Staff’ (VATGPB5380) See ‘Staff’ (VATGPB5380)
sponsorship income B S
Advertising Revenue B S
Aerials & masts (licence over land) B E or S
Affiliation fees (salary deductions) N -
Aircraft flight recharges - -
Airport security (policing) N -
Alarm connection and administration fees B S
Alien registration certificates (issue of) N -
Animal Rights National Index (staff & expenses) B S
Appearance fees (TV and the like) B S
Asset disposals (sales) B S
Bank of England (escorting) B S
Boarding-up (recharge of costs) N -
Boats (disposals) B S
British Airports Authority (policing) N -