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VATGPB5320 - Police authorities: summary of activities: liabilities C

Activity Business (B) or Non-business (N) Rate: Standard (S), Zero (Z) or Exempt (E)
Carcasses (horses - disposal of) B S or Z
Car parking (licence over land) B S
Cars: disposals B S or E
Cars: leasing to staff B S
Cars: private use by staff B S
Catering: detainees N -
Catering: meetings N -
Catering:staff and visitors (canteens and tuck shops) B S or Z
Catering: training courses B S or E
Catering: vending machines B S or Z
Central Public Sector Corruption Index (staff & expenses) B S
City of London Police (salaries and related costs) N -
Civil Defence grants N -
Clothing (uniforms) B S
Commission B S
Common Police Services (staff & expenses) N -
Compensation (legal) N -
Concerts (policing of) B S
Consultancy: fees B S
Consultancy: grants and donations N -
Contributions (salary deductions) N -
Criminal Records Bureau (CRB) and Back Record Conversion (salaries & expenses) N -