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Updates: VAT Personal Exports: Retail Exports


17 June 2021 published amendments

Personal exports - retail exports: How the scheme works: The direct reclaim system

Manual update June 2021 unpublished as completed in error. New manual VATRESNI has been created

Personal exports - retail exports: How the scheme works: The standard method

Manual update June 2021 unpublished as completed in error. New manual VATRESNI has been created

Personal exports - retail exports: How the scheme works: Contents

Manual update June 2021 unpublished as completed in error. New manual VATRESNI has been created

Personal exports - retail exports: Basic principles of the scheme: The VAT retail export scheme in conjunction with other schemes

Manual update June 2021 unpublished as completed in error. New manual VATRESNI has been created

Personal exports - retail exports: Basic principles of the scheme: VAT refund documents

Manual update June 2021 unpublished as completed in error. New manual VATRESNI has been created

Personal exports - retail exports: Basic principles of the scheme: What is the legal basis for the scheme’s conditions?

Manual update June 2021 unpublished as completed in error. New manual VATRESNI has been created

Personal exports - retail exports: Basic principles of the scheme: Restrictions by the retailer

Manual update 15/6/21 unpublished as completed in error. New manual VATRESNI has been created

Personal exports - retail exports: Basic principles of the scheme: Who can operate the VAT retail export scheme?

Manual update 10/6/21 unpublished as completed in error. New manual VATRESNI has been created

Personal exports - retail exports: Basic principles of the scheme: Who can buy goods under the scheme?

Update made 10/6/21 completed in error, unpublished. New manual VATRESNI created

Personal exports - retail exports: Basic principles of the scheme: What does this section of the guidance cover?

Update made 10/6/21 completed in error, unpublished. New manual VATRESNI created

Personal exports - retail exports: Basic principles of the scheme: Contents

Update made 10/6/21 completed in error, unpublished. New manual VATRESNI created

Personal exports - retail exports: Introduction: Roles and responsibilities

Update made 9/6/21 completed in error, unpublished. New manual VATRESNI created

Personal exports - retail exports: Introduction: The law

Manual updated in error unpublished and new manual VATRESNI created

Personal exports - retail exports: Introduction: Overview

Manual updated in error so unpublished. New manual VATRESNI created

Personal exports - retail exports: Introduction: Scope of this guidance

Manual updated in error update unpublished new manual created VATRESNI

Personal exports - retail exports: Introduction: Contents

Manual updated in error unpublished new manual VATRESNI created

Personal exports - retail exports: How the scheme works: Cruise operators

Manual updated in error new manual created VATRESNI

Personal exports - retail exports: How the scheme works: Cash Refunds

Update made in error new manual created VATRESNI

10 June 2021 published amendments

Personal exports - retail exports: Basic principles of the scheme: Who can buy goods under the scheme?

Title and content updated to include Northern Ireland

Personal exports - retail exports: Basic principles of the scheme: What does this section of the guidance cover?

Title and content of page updated to include Northern Ireland

Title and content of page updated to include Northern Ireland

Personal exports - retail exports: Basic principles of the scheme: Contents

Title updated to include Northern Ireland

9 June 2021 published amendments

Personal exports - retail exports: Introduction: Roles and responsibilities

EU guidance updates reference to Northern Ireland added

Personal exports - retail exports: Introduction: The law

EU guidance updates reference to Northern Ireland added

Personal exports - retail exports: Introduction: Overview

Northern Ireland and EU added

Personal exports - retail exports: Introduction: Scope of this guidance

Northern Ireland added to title

Personal exports - retail exports: Introduction: Contents

Northern Ireland added to title