This manual provides technical, policy and procedural guidance to HMRC staff, about circumstances when HMRC might become liable to pay a repayment supplement to a business.
VATRS10050How to use this guidance
VATRS10100About repayment supplement
VATRS10210Who do we pay repayment supplement to?
VATRS10220What starts and stops the 30 day clock?
VATRS10230Time allowed for enquiries, correcting errors and amending details
VATRS10240Records to keep
VATRS10250How is repayment supplement paid?
VATRS10260Appeals against refusal to pay repayment supplement
VATRS10270Reconsideration, reduction and recovery
VATRS10280Trader says amount is insufficient
VATRS10300How to work pre-credibility checks to avoid repayment supplement
VATRS10400How to deal with situations affecting reasonable enquiry time